It is Just Me | Teen Ink

It is Just Me

May 5, 2016
By Anonymous

You don’t know me and I don’t know you but soon one of those things are going to change, I’m going to tell you about my life and how things changed for me.
First of all my name is Shanna and I am 16 years old. I like to think that everything is ok with me and my family but I’m telling you that it is not ok. My family and I live in this place called Skid Row and the only reason that we live here is because my parents lost their jobs and we could no longer live where we had lived since I was little. We have lived in this place for a while, I think that it has been like 7 or 8 years now and during those years things with my family have changed a lot. You see my dad lost his job that is why we had to move on the first place “ he lost his job and did not try to get a new one’. I know what you are thinking that why would we have to move well I was getting there you just have to wait. Ok here it is, my mom would stay home and she would only work at a grocery store a couple times a week because dad made enough money for us, but when he lost his job my mom was the only money we were making and that was not enough for the life we had at that time. Anyway I do not want to keep telling you about how I now live in Skid Row I want to tell you about me as a person. Man I don’t know where to start I guess I will start with my favorite things in the world, I absolutely love kids and animals ‘I love all animals but if I had to chose my most favorite it would be a dog and if I had a dog I would name it Paws’. I also have my favorite food “s” they are Mac n’ cheese and French Fries. Oh my least favorite food is Spaniage “EW” and yes I have actually tried it before so therefor I can say that I very much dislike it. Now if you were to ask me what I think is my good habit I would say that it is that I am stingy with what I spend my money on. Oh My Goodness I can not believe that I have waited this long to tell you about this. Ok I have a boyfriend and his name is Rocky ‘that is not his real name that is just what we call him around here his real name is Kyle and yes Rocky is nothing like his real name but there is a reason why we call him that (I personally hate the nicknames that we both have and there is no way I’m telling you mine). Oh poppy drawers you know what I almost forgot his birthday is in two days and I almost forgot about it. ‘Did I say poopy drawers .. oh well I make him something’. I think that we have something that is really going to be something. Another thing that you have to know about me is that I have huge fear of snakes and spiders. Also I need to tell you that I think that I am beautiful “ in my opinion I think everyone is beautiful in their own way (you are beautiful no matter what they say words can’t bring you down no so don’t you bring me down today). I am 5 foot 5 inches, I have green eyes and strawberry blonde hair “ it is not red but it is not blonde so yeah” Another thing that you have to know about me, you buy me any food especially chocolate I will love you forever. I think that is almost every you guys need to know about me. But one last thing that I guess I will tell you my name is Shanna and my Skid Row nickname is Shabooboo “ I got it from my friends one day when they were trying to scare me and that is all you need to know about my nickname”. That is all you need to know about me and now you know all about me but I still don’t know anything about you funny.

The author's comments:

This is a story about a chacter that I came up for for my schools musical and I just thought that it would be a good charater to show to other people

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