How to Lose a Girl in Ten Days (or Less) | Teen Ink

How to Lose a Girl in Ten Days (or Less)

May 2, 2016
By mgrover BRONZE, West Deptford, New Jersey
mgrover BRONZE, West Deptford, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you had bad luck with girls? Have many unfortunate events happened to you? Well, it’s probably because you, my friend, are a screw up. You clearly don’t want a girlfriend.

We girls understand that “you’re too busy” most of the time to actually talk to us. Honestly, you can drop the controller for one second. It’s not hard to text back.

Effort is extremely important. Don’t expect us to text you back if you respond with “okay”, “nice”, or “oh.” How boring can you be?! Try to at least carry on the conversation; it’s not that hard. One word answers will have a girl running for the hills.

Guys, you don’t like it when girls are too clingy—so why would you do it to us? We’d rather not have you stuck on us at all times. We like to have space too. It’s annoying when you ask what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and who we are doing it with at every given second. It’s not necessary. All we’re asking for is personal space to breathe.

Girls are complicated and have a lot of emotions. That doesn’t mean take advantage of it. Don’t try to make a girl jealous by hanging out with your ex, or talking about other girls in front of them. That’s how you really make us mad. You will probably get ignored for a good, oh I don’t know, forever.

Lazy, no goals and gets bad grades-all of the qualities a girl DOESN’T want in a guy. I mean really, is it that hard to show a little effort? Little to no motivation is so unattractive. How can we rely on you to care about a relationship when you don’t even care about taking a shower? “Swag” isn’t going to pay the bills in the future.
At times, girls will have an off day where when everything that could possibly go wrong, has. This is where that emotional card comes in, and you be the supportive boyfriend that you are. Just kidding, you will probably do the worst possibility that first comes to your mind. Assume the worst, right? When you drop the question, “Is it that time of the month again?” I guarantee you won’t be seeing the sunlight for quite some time.

Butterflies would be an understatement. It’s funny how things work. You can be the sweetest man in the world when you’re alone with your girl. All that lovey-dovey good stuff, that’s always nice. Sadly, everyone knows that’s not exactly how it always is though. Sure, let us just ignore my girlfriend while also hanging out with my friends!!!! Yeah, because that’s a good idea. Acting different does NOT make you look any cooler. Sorry, not sorry, bud.

I would assume you would want to look good in front of someone you’re trying to impress, right? Some guys sure don’t think so! Being a pig isn’t all that attractive. Oh, you wore that shirt yesterday? And you didn’t shower? LOOK AT THAT STAIN…real cute. Also, when your room looks like it got hit by train isn’t helping all that much. It’s easy to just pick up your room… or do laundry. Being messy is disgusting. Fix yourself, boy. You stank.

Girls try to look good in front of guys. We have insecurities and sometimes make up is our get-away. Constantly worried about how we look and you still point out flaws. Bad idea. You just set off the time before your own funeral. Pointing out acne, or the structure of someone’s face isn’t the way to go. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it.

Little surprises can make a girl’s day. Don’t say “What do you want to do?” or “Wherever you want go.” Making a decision for someone sometimes can be sweet. Don’t be so dependent on her! Make plans.
Just take a few tips boy, it’ll get you farther than you think.

The author's comments:

This was done in my journalism class. I thought this would be just cute little idea, and it's relatable too. 

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