Ruined | Teen Ink


December 4, 2016
By Unberto BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Unberto BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jerome Rodriguez a 17 year old Latino. He was born in Boulder Colorado. Having a bad family name didn’t give him a good childhood being born in a family with many drugs problems and a history of run ins with cops it was in his nature to also be like his family. He had a rough childhood his parents got divorced when he was 3 due to physical violence between the parents. By the age of 13 he already have been to juvie 3 times due to robbery and having possession of drugs. He has been to 3 different high schools in a 4 year span.

  Sitting down on the edge of a drop off staring at the stars and lights from the city a beautiful view of the 2 comple different places. Taking a long breath in, a rise in temperature seems like all the problems go away. Feeling a pressure on my back….

My alarm went off it was 6:30 it was time to get ready for school. Waking up i got ready did my daily routine. Walking to my kitchen seeing my mom making food and getting ready for work. Just passing by not saying a word to her she tried talking to me but all I did was ignore her. Outside my friends were waiting for me I left my house without a word all i heard was crying in the background. Getting in the car Sebastian, Austin, and Andy were in the car they passed me a blunt…

Getting to school it was already 10:00. We were all high during class like everyday. Only going to 2 to 3 classes a day. I was in math with Sebastian we were talking about hanging out later today to go smoke. We decided to go to the mountains later. Through the rest of the classes was just normal really didn’t pay attention in class always did my own thing. During lunch my old friends Jonathan Bryan, and Jose that I use to talk to last year( I stopped talking to them because i never hanged out with them because I would always go smoke) It was weird talking to them at first just cause i never talked to them since I started to smoke more often. It seemed like old times when I didn’t have to get high to have a good time. They asked me if I wanted to hangout with them like old times kicking around a soccer ball. But i already had plans I told them maybe next time since I already had plans with Sebastian. The bell rang we all went our separate ways to our classes.

In my next class there was one kid his name is Angel I always had a problem since I got to this school we always had our differences due to our families having problems. Today when i walked into the class it felt different everyone was crowding around I went to check what was going on it was Angel he was fighting Jonathan. I jumped in immediately…

Sitting down feeling like I just got hit by a car. The principle sitting across the desk 2 cops beside me. Knowing that this was my last straw, But this wasn’t all the news I got ….

Leaving the school my head down being escorted by the 2 cops not knowing what to do with my life anymore I got into the back of the police cruiser, But for once not as a criminal just as a passenger. The ride seemed forever just thinking i was just thinking about how things will change? How would i adapt to this? So many questions going through my head. The cruiser stopped i hopped out.
Standing outside my house being afraid to go inside. It took me minutes to finally walk inside, as  i walked inside my heart just dropped lower and lower the deeper I went into my house. I started to tear up not know what to do I ran into my room i grabbed a shoe box i had under my bed. I called Sebastian if he would be able to pick me up. It left a long hour but in reality it was just 10 minutes I hear a horn outside.I walked outside I hopped into the car with my shoe box.Sebastian, Austin, and Andy were in the car we started to smoke the ride was beautiful it seemed like nothing was wrong it was just me and my friends.
We finally got to the mountains it was about 8 pm it was already night but the moon bright the sky up. We went to explore a new place people talked about apparently it was a long hike but they said it is worth it due to the beautiful view. We were down for it, when we got there their the people were right the view was amazing you could have seen the town below.
I took the things out of my box I had about 5 grams of weed, 2 grams of cocaine and a couple of drops of acid I took them out the only thing i left inside was the money i have made from selling the weed it was about 10 grand. We all started to take some of the drugs we were all having a good time until Sebastian asked me if i had an extra lighter so he would be able to load up his pipe without thinking I told him to go threw my bag that i probably had an extra one in there. I started to hear Sebastian talk to Austin, and Andy it but i ignored it I started to walk up to an edge of the cliff i sat down I started to smoke.Still trying to process what will happen to me? How would i survive.  once the weed kicked in taking a long breath in, a rise in temperature seems like all the problems go away. Feeling a pressure on my back…. I quickly turned back to see Sebastian but it was already too late for me my life just flashing before my eyes how things changed in one day. I was finally at peace knowing I might have the possibility of seeing my mom once again before she goes to heaven and before i go to hell.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece becasue it had some of my own decision i did and I always thought about what could have happened if  something like this happened

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