The Evil Woman | Teen Ink

The Evil Woman

December 9, 2016
By macpost44 BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
macpost44 BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every person in the world has done some things that may not be right and that they truly regret after doing. It's completely normal for things like this to occur. Typically when people do these things, they learn from it and become a better person. This was not the case for Juanita. All of her life, she had been doing things that most people could not even think of doing. Many of which are flat out sadistic such as stepping on one of her son's hands while he is trying to pick up glad that he had broken. This was the son of hers that she had also tried to kill while she was pregnant with him.

The first three kids that Juanita had, she loved very much. She bought them all just about everything they ever wanted, made sure that they were the most popular kids in school, and also that they would be able to go to the best college possible. She made sure that they were hand fed the opportunity to be successful. This however backfired and all three either got into drugs, or they just stopped even trying. Although she did everything for them, she still would do cruel things every now and then.

The fourth child was the son that we talked about earlier. She hated him, and she made it very obvious. She never said she loved him once in his entire life, and actually said she hated him more than anything. There was no hiding the fact that she did not love him at all. It was the complete opposite of how she had treated all of her other 3 children that were born before him. He however, ended up being a very successful man with a great job and a wife who he loved very much.

The fifth and final child of hers, was a girl. She was treated very different than any of the other children she had before. She didn't treat him as overtly bad as she treated her fourth son, and she didn't want her to succeed like the first three children. She was a different type of evil towards the girl. She however would be treated worse than any of her siblings before her, but in a very different way. She would literally force her to go steal food and clothing if she wanted to not starve and have some form of clothing to wear. The daughter got caught for doing this many times and every time she did, Juanita just said that she had nothing to do with it. All through the young girl's life, Juanita did everything she possibly could to make sure that she would not be successful. The girl never let this stop her and she would always get through hard times that Juanita made for her. The last straw for the girl was when she was 20 years old. She had been dating the same man for 4 years and they hung out one for a little longer than she was allowed to do, as it was her anniversary with him. She showed up a few minutes late and was greeted by a furious Juanita. Many punches and slaps followed this and left the girl bloody and in tears. This wasn't enough for Juanita so she decided to pick up a nearby hammer. Without hesitation she began to try and smash the daughters face in but missed a few times and before she could do any serious damage, was stopped by her husband, the young girl's stepfather.

Very soon after this, the girl left the area to move in with her boyfriend and to go to college. This was not the last time Juanita would do anything to the girl. Many years in the future, the girl would be diagnosed with cancer and Juanita would completely deny that it she actually had it and even told everyone in the family that she was lying about it just for attention. To actually deny the fact that your daughter was going through something as horrible as cancer in a time the girl needed support the most is just horrible but at the same time, not unexpected from a woman like Juanita.

Now, after years and years of Juanita doing unthinkable deeds, she lay in her deathbed. It would be a matter of days until she finally passed and she even knew. It was a surprise to everyone that she had even made it that long given all the terrible things she had done in her life. Not to mention all of the drugs and other things she taken and done. It was actually a miracle that she had lived as long as she had.

Late one night, as she lay, she saw a faint figure hovering over the foot of her bed. For a while it did not say anything and neither did Juanita. It then finally spoke. It was a nice calm voice. The figure began to tell Juanita that she would die tommorow night and that if she did not do something right the wrongs she had done all of her life, she would end up in a place that is just as bad as the things she had in the past. Without another word, the figure vanished and Juanita was left again in the room with no one.

From the moment she woke, she began making calls and trying to talk to every person she had ever done something bad to. For the most part, many of these people accepted her apology. For hours she sat calling people. This was the first time she had actually felt like a good person to even herself which she thought was a good sign. This was until she got to the final person who she would have to apologize to. It was her youngest daughter and at first the talk was going very well. They discussed all of the things that had happened in the past, but then, as if a flip suddenly switched, Juanita snapped back into her old sadistic and horrible ways. It seemed as if it were impossible for her to be truly sorry to her daughter.

Later that night, the same figure appeared again, yet this time, it was here to take Juanita with it. She had not been able to fix all of the wrongs she had done and had even snapped on the one person she needed to fix things the most with.

In a matter of seconds, Juanita's body lay lifeless in the hospital bed. She would now be with people just as evil as she was in hell.

The author's comments:

This both a fictional and a non fictional story about a very evil woman.

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