A Recipe for a Great Friendship | Teen Ink

A Recipe for a Great Friendship

April 18, 2017
By Dolly2016 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Dolly2016 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A streak of freetime
A mound of memories
A wink of conflict
A pocketful of understanding
A heap of heart to heart talks
Mounds of communication
Oceans of trust
A sprinkle of dinner dates
3 pieces of love (or pizza)
A pile of potential boyfriends
A sprinkle of family


When you find someone that you want to be your friend, it starts with a streak of freetime. This freetime will allow you to become friends and make a mound of memories together.

Sometimes a wink of conflict is necessary for your friendship to grow.

To keep a friend after conflict, mix a pocketful of understanding and a heap of heart to heart talks can help you work out your issues.

A mound of communication creates a welcoming environment for both people involved.

Settling a dispute develops oceans of trust that allows the friendship to move forward.

A sprinkle of dinner dates help with communication and the making a mound of memories.

While on your dinner date, 3 pieces of pizza and love are used to make you feel safe.

Only when you are feeling safe, can you share a pile of boyfriend stories with your friend.

After spending time with your friend for a while, you add in a sprinkle of family to keep the friendship interesting.

Repeat these steps in any order as many times as necessary. You can also start the steps on other people. Your end product should be a great friendship. 

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