A Dream Now Reality | Teen Ink

A Dream Now Reality

November 17, 2017
By camila.abuchaibe BRONZE, Canton, MI, Michigan
camila.abuchaibe BRONZE, Canton, MI, Michigan
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Have you ever wanted something so bad you would do anything to do it? Jasmine was a dancer. All her life she had done dance. Her goal was to get to be a member of the Teatro Alla Scala in Italy. It was a ballet theater that was every dancers dream to get in.The only thing that was stopping her was that she was very poor. She only lived with her mother because her father passed away 6 months ago. 


Her mother was a very hard worker. Jasmine was saving up to go on a trip to Italy for an audition to become a member of the ballet. In Colombia it was very difficult to get money quickly especially where she lived, in a city named Cali. In order to get the money Jasmine needed to be patient. Three months passed and the money she had saved up was under her mattress. Jasmine went to the bakery (where she worked). She loved her job, the smell of fresh bread was her favorite. Her shift ended in the afternoon. When Jasmine was walking home from work she looked up at her front door and noticed it was open. She walked in terrified, “ Hello? Is someone here?” said Jasmine striding eagerly into her house.

No one answered . . . Jasmine checked every room and every corner. Once she got to her room the memory of her money under the mattress came to her. Jasmine got anxious. Her thoughts were all over the place. “ What if someone took it? I should’ve put it in a better place!” She glanced at her bed. Her hands were sweaty, her heart was beating to the moon. She peeked under her bed. Nothing. Not one cent. 


Her mother Ana, came running into Jasmine’s room, “ Are you okay? What’s wrong?” “Someone stole my money I have been saving for the trip and the audition!” said Jasmine in sadness. Her mother stayed with her for a while to help her feel better. Jasmine had mascara all over her face. Tears kept coming out, almost like she couldn’t control them. Ana giving her tissue after tissue and comforting her the best she could. When Ana left she felt terrible. “Jasmine has worked so hard to go to this. It’s her life.” said her mother in much worry.


Jasmine went to work the next day, when she arrived her boss told her to meet him in his office. “ Hi Jasmine, I know you love dance and you’re a wonderful dancer, so I have a question, how would you feel about applying and maybe getting a scholarship for dance?” asked Jasmine’s boss, “ That sounds amazing! Where is the scholarship?” answered Jasmine, “ It’s in Italy.” said her boss, “ No way! I just recently. . . like. . . it’s a long story!” Jasmine answered in excitement.


As soon as Jasmine’s shift ended she ran home so anxious to tell her mom her dream might actually come true. As soon as she got home she told her mom about everything. How she can get scholarship to go to Italy and study dance, while she’s at it she will be there for the audition for the ballet.  They both were so excited. Jasmine got all the papers for the application and filled them out. In order to get the full scholarship she needed to make a video of a dance routine they sent her. Once she was done filling out the papers and making the video she sent them out.


Two weeks passed and she got a letter from the Opus Ballet school.Her heart was beating out of her chest as she opened the packaged letter. “We are pleased to inform you that you have earned the scholarship to the Opus Ballet dance school. You have shown great strength and talent that we have not seen in a long time. . . Thank you for your application and we look forward to seeing you here soon!” read Jasmine from the letter. Tears ran down her face she couldn’t believe that she was the one who got the scholarship.


A week after she got the letter she was off to Italy. Ana was so happy to see Jasmine being able to do what she loves to do. Both crying with happiness and sadness because they won’t see eachother everyday. When the plane took off Jasmine closed her eyes being able to listen to the engine and the flight attendants talking, helping. Jasmine soon fell asleep. She woke up to the sound of the pilot’s voice saying, “Welcome to Italy! Please stay seated until the plane comes to a complete stop, and thank you for flying with us. We hope you enjoy your stay.” So excited, and now well rested Jasmine got off the plane. When she found her bag she went outside and got into the taxi. While she was on her way to the hotel she was so amazed by the beauty and buildings she was looking at. When she arrived at the hotel to change and get to her audition she couldn’t stop smiling. Walking in the hotel she couldn’t believe she was staying here it was beautiful with chandeliers bigger than the sun, and the people so well dressed and elegant. She loved it. Once she checked in and got up to her room she immediately changed and went back downstairs to head to her audition.


Arriving at the audition there were so many dancers everywhere, all wanting the same thing. Jasmine began to stretch. They all got numbers so when they got called it would be easier. Jasmine got her number, number 70. Her favorite number, now the audition was off to a great start. More stretching until she was called. “Numbers 68, 69, 70, and 71 please come to the waiting room!” said one of the judges. Number 68 went, he came out crying. 69 went, she came out also in tears. “70!” said the judge. Walking in with her heart beating so loud I bet the people in the other room could hear it. Music started “5, 6, 7, 8, go!” Jasmine thought to herself. As the music went on she found herself not counting anymore and dancing like no one was watching.


Not a care in the world she kept dancing loving every count, second, and minute of it. She finished her dance with her eyes looking into sky like she was trying to reach something. “Thank you.” said one of the judges to the far right. Walking out Jasmine felt amazing. She gave it her all. A few hours later after everyone went to the small list that was posted on the big clipboard where many dreams have been accomplished and crushed. Walking up to the clipboard feeling every step. Knowing this is where everything she has done would be worth it. Jasmine closed her eyes for a moment then as she stood in front of the clipboard not sure if she should open her eyes. . . she opened them. There it was, her name in bold black letters. She did it, her dream was now a reality.


Jasmine was so grateful. She was now a member to one of the best dance academies in the world and she goes to one of the best dance schools in the world. She was thrilled.

The author's comments:

I have been a dancer my whole life. This story shows what i hope my future as a dancer will be. I also include some things that are from my personal life.

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