Beautiful Nightmare | Teen Ink

Beautiful Nightmare

February 23, 2018

There it was, our island. Our very own island. It looked beautiful above the waves of fog, but there was still one question to be answered: why had they sold it to us for only five dollars? Everyone always told me never to listen and depend on those spam emails that always came towards the beginning of the month, but this email caught my attention. No one ever said an island email was a scam, although there was a very big possibility it was one. $5 was nothing to invest in if it ended up not being what we expected, and we were willing to take that chance.
A man, whose name was never introduced, told us the island was located in the Pacific Ocean, isolated from everyone and flourishing with everything any normal human being desired. It was like a new life! After going back and forth about the details of the island, it was finally ours; we packed right away.
After 20 hours of plane and boat rides we saw our island in the distance; it was bigger than imagined, more beautiful in fact. The man never sent pictures but told us pictures couldn’t give the island justice and we’d just have to wait and see.. He was right. As soon as the boat driver pulled into shore, we jumped right off almost forgetting our bags. We have a whole world to ourselves, no communication, no nothing. But it seemed too good to be true, why was it only $5 was still the biggest question on our minds.
We soon found out. After settling in and building for a month,, strange things began to happen. When we’d build things and go to sleep they’d been destroyed, terribly. We thought it was just animals and the weather that was destroying our work but when we used stronger material, it still happened. We’d wake up with scratches and wounds across our bodies,, but we we could never recall what happened.
Worried, we tried everything we could to develop communication with the First World, but it was no hope. We were average adults who barely knew how to build a fire, let alone a whole city. Big things we depended on started to go missing as well, things such as little animals we depended on for food had disappeared and our source of clean, drinkable water had as well. We were stranded, with our death looming over us andand nothing to to avoid it. We found out why it was $5... it was a beautiful nightmare.

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