Christmas in the City | Teen Ink

Christmas in the City

November 30, 2020
By Anonymous

John strolled through the busy streets of New York City, feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of tourists and large families on Christmas Eve. The snowflakes delicately  falling from the sky and onto the shoulders of his jacket made him more furious than he already was, and his face turned bright red as he profusely brushed them off. He barked orders to the new employees of his company on his cell phone, interrupting the pleasant conversations of those around him. “Oh, what are you lookin’ at?” He yelled to a mother, who automatically covered the ears of her younger son. 

John finally turned the corner of his street and walked through the glass sliding doors to his apartment building. He stepped into the modern elevator and closed the doors before anyone else could get in, leaning against the back wall. His elevator finally approached the penthouse suite, and John stepped inside. The cold emptiness of his spacious apartment greeted him, and John felt even more alone than he already had. He stared past his two foot, fake Christmas tree and out at the twinkling lights of the various skyscrapers surrounding him. He wished he had someone, a wife, or a child, to share the incredible view with.

“Dear God,” John whispered, pressing his hand against the glass, “please give me someone. Just for one night, so I don’t have to spend Christmas alone again.” 

Just then, his doorbell rang. John sadly removed his hand from the glass and moped towards the front door. When he opened it, he saw a small dog sitting patiently on the floor, a red leash wrapped loosely around its neck. And when he looked up, he saw the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. 

“Hello.” John said shyly.

“Hi, I’m Stacy.” The woman offered her hand to John.

“H-How may I help you?” John stammered.

“I found a dog sitting outside the doors of your building. I just wanted to stop by the different apartments and see if he belonged to anyone.” Stacy said nonchalantly.

“Oh, that’s great. What are you doing roaming the streets of New York on Christmas Eve?” John asked.

“I moved out here because of work. My husband and I recently split, so I moved up here alone. My family couldn’t make it in time for the holidays.” Stacy said sadly.

“Would you like to come in?” John asked. “I’m spending Christmas Eve by myself this year.”

“Sure!” Stacy said, stepping inside and removing the dog’s leash. 

“As you can see, I don’t really get into the Christmas spirit too often.” John said, embarrassed about his lack of decor.

“Oh, it’s okay. I’m the same way. My husband always did the decorating when we were together.” Stacy said.

“Ah. I see. Well, ABC Family probably is playing a Christmas movie right about now.” John said. “Should I put one on?”

“Sure!” Stacy said, smiling. The two sat on the couch, watching Christmas movies all night and making conversation during the commercials. The stray dog comfortably curled up on the couch in between them. After a long night, Stacy decided to return home.

“I normally don’t stay at people’s houses all night to watch Christmas movies, especially if I don’t know them. But tonight was fun. It was nice to have someone on Christmas.” Stacy said as she made her way towards the door.

“I agree. We should make plans to get together some other time.” John said.

“We should. I live in the apartment building just across the street.” Stacy said. As Stacy left, John realized the dog was still asleep on the couch. 

“I think I’ll keep you.” John said. As he went to turn off the TV, his favorite Christmas song, Silent Night, played and seemed to fill the emptiness of his apartment. As the lyrics echoed throughout the house, John felt warmth inside.

Silent night, Holy night, All is calm, All is bright…

John spoke again as he walked towards the large window. “Thank you God. For keeping me calm and brightening my mood. Thank you, for bringing me someone to share my Christmas Eve with.”

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