The Wish prologue | Teen Ink

The Wish prologue

May 7, 2010
By Pixxie_Glitter BRONZE, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Pixxie_Glitter BRONZE, Lawrence, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

“I wish to be immortal no matter what it takes”

"No I don't"

“You don’t want to do this”

"You're right I don't"

“Yes I do”

"I'm wrong"

“Are you sure”



"My life is over"

I remember in the past I did not want my life to end up like this. I thought being immortal would be different, not filled with this angst of losing someone close to you, but you can’t stop it. It starts and ends the same way. With LIFE and DEATH.

And it all started with this damned wish.

I have always had a normal life. So average and boring, it’s very predictable. Especially when you live in a suburb only containing a hundred people. My story starts in my past life, one that I vaguely remember. But what I do remember, involved him.

The author's comments:
This is a story that I am working on with my friend. So she also gets the credit. We were inspired by many things that happen to us and also from a huge range of books we both read.

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