Happiness | Teen Ink


January 16, 2013
By TaraEllenbest BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
TaraEllenbest BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
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What is happiness without someone to share it with? Anyone can put a smile on and enjoy life day by day, but I believe that the happiest people on earth are the people that have another person they love to share it with. Julia Walters wanted one thing and one thing only. She wanted someone to love and be with her. Julia was a happy 17 year old enjoying her Senior year of high school. She had never been in love and had actually convinced herself that there was no one in this world meant for her.
Julia was constantly teased throughout her high school years for being the only one out of her group of friends that had never had a boyfriend. She was very pretty and had lots of friends, but couldn’t seem to get a handle on the whole “relationship” thing. Little did she know, her senior year was coming to an end and as she was focused on everything besides having a boyfriend, she soon would realize that the minute she stopped wishing she had someone, the most special person came around….
Julia’s best friend, Sabrina, was always supportive of Julia. Although Sabrina got lucky with having the sweetest boyfriend named Matt, since her sophomore year, she always made sure to make Julia feel included in everything they did together. At times, Julia felt sorry for herself. She would pick out each and every thing about herself that could possibly be negative and hate herself for it. She convinced herself all these pointless things were wrong with her, when in reality, the right guy hadn’t crossed her path yet.
It was a Friday night and everyone was getting ready for the big basketball game against their biggest rivalry school. Sabrina was planning a little get together after the game and invited some people from school to come over for a bonfire.
“I’m kind of tired Sabrina. I don’t know if I’ll make it to your house tonight after the game.” Said Julia. Sabrina was determined to make Julia come. She knew that a ton of guys would be there and she wanted Julia to get to know them more. Julia had given up hope on guys, so when Sabrina tried bribing her by dangling cute basketball players in her face, Julia simply nodded her head and figured she’d go for a few minutes to make Sabrina happy.
It was about 8pm when Julia slipped on a comfy sweatshirt with a pair of dark jeans and arrived at Sabrina’s house. Before she knew it she was standing around the fire talking with Casey and Ashley, two of her good friends from school. Everyone was having a great time and Julia was actually enjoying herself. On her way over to the drink table to get some pop, out of no where, she tripped over a log that was going to be used for the fire. Right before she hit the ground she felt strong muscular arms wrap around her and grab her tightly to the point where she had time to catch her feet underneath her.
She looked up, and with his arms slowly letting go of her was a taller, dark haired boy. “That was a close one!” He said softly, trying to eliminate the attention Julia had brought to herself before she nearly face planted into the drink table. Julia smiled and simply thanked him while she got a quick drink and headed back to the fire pit.
It wasn’t more than 15 minutes later that she came back in contact with the dark haired boy. He smiled at her and sat down in the chair next to her. “I’m Cody, nice to meet you.” He said reaching his hand out in front of Julia.
Julia giggled from embarrassment and reached her hand out meeting it with his. “I’m Julia” She said in a soft tone.
“Why haven’t I ever seen you before?” Cody said. An hour had passed with Julia and Cody nearly attached at the hip. Laughing and making jokes they learned more and more about each other. It was getting late and Julia was getting tired. She stood up and grabbed her coat lying on the chair next to her. She smiled at Cody and said, “See ya around?”
He stood up and began to walk her to her car as his hand gently held her back. “Are you by any chance busy tomorrow night?” Said Cody. Julia’s heart nearly sank into her stomach. She looked up at him feeling like her face had gone from pale to as red as an apple. “I don’t have anything planned… why?”
“Would you want to maybe go to dinner?” Cody said as his stomach was twisting harder and harder in knots. He held out his phone for her to put her number in and opened her car door for her. Now she knew for a fact she was bright red. Julia got in her car and looked at Cody. He told her he’d see her tomorrow and shut the door.
Was it real? Did that happen? Did I really get asked out on a date? Julia said to herself on her short drive home. That night while she lay in bed trying to fall asleep, she kept on replaying the whole night in her head. She couldn’t believe that her clumsiness actually led her to what seemed to be a genuinely sweet boy. “No point in getting my hopes up… but I suppose a positive attitude never hurt anyone!” Julia said as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
The next day seemed to drag on. Each minute felt like an hour and each hour felt like a century. Sabrina was so excited to hear all about Julia’s little romance scene that took place at her bonfire. “What are you going to wear?” Sabrina stressed as she seemed more excited for the date then Julia did. Julia couldn’t concentrate on anything that day. She was too excited for seeing Cody.
It was about 2 in the afternoon when Julia got a text from Cody saying that she needed to be ready at 6pm because he was taking her out on a surprise date. Julia could feel the butterflies swarm in her stomach.
Six o’clock finally arrived and the night felt like pure perfection. She was racing on the inside and couldn’t stop smiling on the outside. The whole night was filled with jokes and laughter.

10 years later
“I vow to fiercely love you, for the rest of my life. To always remember that this is a once in a lifetime love. To carry you when you are hurt and encourage you to be strong when strength is needed. I vow to be yours, and only yours, from now until forever.” Cody held back every tear within him as he spoke the precious words as he looked into the eyes of Julia, his soon to be wife.
For a girl that had nothing ever go her way, she got lucky. She was blessed with an amazing guy. After the struggle within herself and her lack of hope, she was given everything to be happy for… a fairytale.

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