Girl in the Mirror | Teen Ink

Girl in the Mirror

February 17, 2013
By DearInsanity BRONZE, Vancleave, Mississippi
DearInsanity BRONZE, Vancleave, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I studied her face in the mirror. No matter what, I just couldn't look away. Knowing the love of your life whom you haven't seen for-going on two years, is on the other side of a wall, just may do that to a person. As she stopped to check her lipstick, I notice that her eyes haven't changed, if anything they grew bluer. What would she do if she knew I was on the other side of this wall? Or that I knew about the baby? That I knew it was mine? Does she know that it wasn't my choice to leave? Doesn't she know that I never had a choice? Course not. I longed to knock on the wall, or go around to the other door and see if she'd come out. I know that would be the wrong thing to do thought, I wasn't in control of my life anymore, and bringing her into the fire just wasn't on the top of my list.

The author's comments:
It's just something I wrote a while back...I just came across it, and thought it could be interesting...

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