True Love | Teen Ink

True Love

March 25, 2014
By Balkeyk903 SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
Balkeyk903 SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game"

True Love

Growing up I always thought true love was roses, dates on Saturday nights, a little black box that held expensive items, and always knowing what to say. I thought true love was a kiss in the rain, and the perfect story you want to tell everyone. But now that I'm older I've realized it's not like that at all. That is what I thought true love was till I grew up and I experienced love first hand. See, because true love for me is confusing and a heart break just waiting to happen. True love is kissing at 5 am despite the morning breath and singing at the top of your lungs. It's saying all the wrong words, at all the wrong moments. It's sarcasm and being honest even when it hurts and pulls you apart. It's late hours of the night when it's been a long day and it's no make up and bad hair. It's tears from sadness and it's nothing like a storybook you've ever read. It's never running out of things to talk about, and it's being comfortable in the silence of things. True love is watching the Titanic though you swore you never would. It's getting mad over stupid things.
It's " you're so dang stubborn", and " you're so gorgeous" and knowing you're so lucky to hear those words every day. It's spilling your feelings out at 4 am when you should be asleep already. It's that song you hear on the radio that always leaves a smile on your face. It's the worst story but you wouldn't want it any different, but thank God it worked out anyways. True love is never losing the magic touch. Love is not leaving when things get too complicated. I finally understand what true love means. Love is when you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be. You don't need go buy me expensive things or take me out to dinner every night or even every weekend. I don't need the world or want it I just want the guy I'm in love with. I just want the little things that you will give instead of the big things. If you push my hair out of my face or rub my back, or if you randomly kiss my cheek. Text me randomly saying you miss me, or if you post a picture of us or a post a message about me. Then that is all I care about, I want the little things. I care way more about that, than anything else. Holding hands might just be the cutest thing ever. It's such an intimate gesture, yet so innocent at the same time. When you feel their hand touching your palm at the moment.
Even better, the first time two people ever hold hands is precious. When the person nudges at your hand and eventually slides their fingers interlocking with yours and you feel your cheeks getting warm. Turning a shade of rosy pink and your heart pounding like drums. When they grasp on so tight it would be impossible to let you go. How their hand just seems to fit right in yours as if it was meant to be that way. So beautiful and satisfying with a rush of different emotions. Just with the knowledge that your hands are linked together makes your heart even fonder and you can literally feel how close you are to each other. True love is when someone sees the good in you as well as the bad but loves you just the same. Love isn't always perfect, nor a fairytale or a book you read. It doesn't always come easy at first. Love is over coming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting that person that means so much to you go. It is a short word, easy to spell, but sure as heck difficult to define and impossible to live without. Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute and every second was worth it because you did it together. True love isn't easy, but it must be fought for. Once you find it, it can never be replaced.
The problem with filling your mind with romance movies can be good or bad. When growing up and filling your life with romance movies it doesn't seem bad. But when you go through life thinking every guy is going to be like that perfect guy in that movie you watched. Then, you will be waiting for a lifetime because you sure won't find that guy. Love hurts but then at time love can be so perfect. Both part of the relationship are committed to each other. When you both look at each other you can both see the little sparkle in your eyes. True love is loving someone no matter the challenges you might face in your relationship. You know when you truly found love is when you know you can't tell them things you have never told another soul before. You share things about yourself that you're not proud of but wantnthem to understand your past. The quote from The Vow, "I chose to stay with him for all things that he had done right and not leave him for the one thing that had done wrong." You don't stop loving someone because they did something wrong you stay with them for the things you love about them and truly the things they do right.

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on Apr. 4 2014 at 5:33 pm
monikitty12 PLATINUM, New York, New York
35 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't cry because its over. Smile because it happened.

You seriously defined True Love perfectly with the most superb eloquent speech! Write more! Your opinion needs to be heard throughout!