Destined | Teen Ink


November 17, 2014
By Anonymous

The first time they met was at the seventh grade dance. She swayed back in forth on the dance floor in her new red dress. Kate, was her name and his was Jade. They were destined to meet when the two school joined for the Winter Dance. Kate was the kind of girl who didn't hesitate and got straight B's in every subject. She had long brown hair and bright lively green eyes and a skinny runner type body shape. Jade was a bulky soccer player with dirty blonde hair and big baby blue eyes.
The music had started to play some song from the 80's, when Kate and her friends entered the room. They were all the athletic type of girls and strong and daring. They crowded around the snack table munching of chips and sipping soda. Kate was swaying to the music with her friends and paying hardly any attention to the guys, who were crowded together on the opposite side of the auditorium fidgeting with their black tuxedos  awkwardly.
It happened ha
It happened half way through the tenth song. Young Love, was the song that had came on. Jade had been watching Kate the whole night without her noticing it and wanted a dance with the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. So he marched boldly up to her and asked her for a dance. At first she was shocked than for the first time in her life, nerves. She nodded and he took her hand. One dance was all it took. Swaying awkwardly together over the dance floor holding hands and singing along to song they didn't even really know. They fell in love and it was a simple as that.
They graduated and went on to high school together.
But got separated in their sophomore year. Drama and family issues took them separate ways and into different states and countries. Jades mother died and he moved with his father to South America and Kate stayed in North America. But they never ever forgot each other and would often think about each other. They never got the chance to exchange phone numbers or emails and there was no way for them to communicate.
And as chance would have it, they found each other on a site called Wattpad.
Kate had always been a great writer and loved action books and movies. Kate saw Jades book list and found he liked one of the same books as her and she was intrigued into learning more about his books and stories. So she dug deeper into his profile page and found a picture on his user photo and it was the same picture she had drawn him after the dance. A picture of a red heart surrounded by a blue circle of light, and the words Destined drawn across the heart. Kate gasped and she looked at the user name "Ja-Ka4ever1999".
She sat at her desk staring at her link lap top for quite some time puzzling over this big fat question mark seeming to stare at her, taunt her and laugh at her. Eventually she scrolled down his comments and found that his name was indeed Jade. Jade Bryce Wood. Her fingers shook so violently that she could barley type. ( Hi, nice writing. ) she commented on one of his pages. She new it was probably one of the lamest comments he would ever receive but she was desperate to say something, anything.
Meanwhile, Jade received this comment and hardly thought anything of it until he got an email saying the user of this comment had posted a story called, " Destined ". He new it was probably just a coincidence but he was drawn to the story immediately.
He read every word of it till the very end and so the "comment crush" began. It went on for about a month of back and forth back and forth commenting. Both new deep down that this was meant to be, their separation. They exchanged phone numbers through comments and Jade called Kate the moment he got her number. His hands were shaking and he was sweating like a dog who just ran fifty miles. He was glad she couldn't smell him through the phone...he would have just died.
"'s Jade. " his voice squeaked and went all high pitched when he spoke and his face turned beat red. He heard the sweet gentle voice of Kate flow through the phone and into his ears and he bit his tung from squealing out loud. " Hi, it's Kate. " Kate said.
They talked for hours and hours every day, and soon started to text back and forth. Three years went back by and they graduated from high schools  miles away from each other and went into college. Kate became a famous writer at the age of twenty and had a book published by the name of, (Destined). It was totally official that was their word, their spacial message.  Destined.
Finally the day came when they met again. They planned on meeting in California at their old favorite movie theater. Jade got out of his car and strolled up to the door and nearly bumped right into the beautifulest girl he'd ever met, his soulmate for real. They stood there staring into each other eyes as if mesmerized on the spot. To long time lovers separated than reunited once again and this time for good.
They watched The Fault in Our Stars and Kate cried on Jades shoulder while he patted her back and stuffed pop corn in his face. After the movie they decided to go out for ice cream and that was where they shared their first kiss. It was hard to believe they hadn't done it before...especially with all the things they had gone through together.
The moment they're lips met, it was a sealed deal. They were SoulMates for real. They were traveled the world together for almost ten years, visiting every state from both North and South America and all of Alaska and England and France and Germany and Paris. Then when Kate turned thirty Jade purposed at a beach in Hawaii. It was night time and he had planned just perfectly so that it was on a full moon and he hired a special  band to play at the beach.
Kate of course said yes. In fact she said, " Do you even have to ask? ". Years later they had two beautiful children, a girl and a boy. It was after all Destined.

The author's comments:

This was beaded of of many stories and novels mixed with my own ideas, I hope you like it! Please, please comment ! And thanks for taking the time to read my work and I will always comment back I promise. :)

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on Nov. 24 2014 at 1:14 am
BeautyWhispers PLATINUM, Nevada City, California
21 articles 0 photos 98 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be Me. :) - By BeautyWhispers

Hi, I'm the one who wrote this....didn't mean to click anonymous. :)