Puzzle Pieces | Teen Ink

Puzzle Pieces

March 19, 2015
By Rose_Cecily GOLD, Valley Stream, New York
Rose_Cecily GOLD, Valley Stream, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My thoughts are stars that I cannot fathom into constellations

When I think of you, with my eyes closed and my lips slightly parted as if they are ready to break out into a smile, I think of you happily. I ignore the non exciting, extremely emotional, goodbye that is inevitable. I ignore my insecurities of being insecure which makes you upset. Instead, I think of you happily. I think of you and when you see me walking towards your car in the morning to get the breakfast you kindly buy me contrary to my insistent dissension. I think of you and how you you blush and smile when I compliment you. In my memory live times of us cuddling in the backseat of your car or on that leather black couch in my basement. I've got memories of that day when I got dipsy and when I got drunk and how we were and how you were. I've got memories of when we watched that movie about nerdy baseball players and it ended and the music playing at the end and how you pulled me up to dance as I laughed.

When I think of you, heart pounding and body shaking with love, I think of you happily

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