The Dress | Teen Ink

The Dress

September 14, 2015
By WeCouldLiveLikeJackAndSally BRONZE, McKenzie, Tennessee
WeCouldLiveLikeJackAndSally BRONZE, McKenzie, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not about how many breaths you take, it's about how many moments take your breath away."

 She was wearing the dress that her mother had passed down to her before the cancer took her. It had been a rough time for her mother, and she was glad she was taken before the pain got too strong. Her mother was strong, so she tried to be.

She was getting ready for the prom. No, no one asked her. And she didn’t really have any friends. But she promised her mother she would go, and so she had to.

Her brother took her, the only one who really cared for her anymore. “Sis, please promise me no guys will hit on you,” he said with that protective yet friendly smile. “I promise, nothing will happen. Guys find me repulsive,” I said, looking down at my already-chipping nail polish. He lifted my chin with his index finger to make me look him square in the eye. “You’re beautiful sis. Someone’s out there for you.”

Tears started whelping in my eyes and I gave him the biggest hug in the world! I took a deep breath, had one last assuring glance at my brother, and got out of his rusty pickup.

I got inside and people were already dancing and laughing and smiling. Girls’ hairs were up in fantastic and well-done up-dos and curls everywhere. I had just straightened my hair.

I walked over to get punch and lean against the wall. Yep, I was the only wallflower there. I had a few people stunned to see me dressed up. They were too use to my hair pulled back in a dorky ponytail and my bulky glasses on. Tonight I looked better than ever, but people still knew who I was and people still were ignoring me. Hey, I liked it better that way anyway.

After some upbeat Bruno Mars song came on, a slow song I believe called Goodnight Moon started to play. It was the last song of the night, and I was already heading for the door. That was when his hands gripped my arm and turned me around gently.

When I turned around I saw the most handsome guy ever. I had never seen him before, but I usually try not to pay attention to other people at school and keep a low profile.

His eyes were a piercing blue. Not just a cute blue that all the girls say AWE over. His eyes were a cyan color that pulls you in and makes you never want to leave. His hair was a black-brown color that fit perfectly with his semi-pale skin. Gosh, he was perfect.

‘Why leaving so soon?” he asked with a cheeky grin. Those dimples, GAHH they killed me. I couldn’t even speak. All I remember was asking me if he could have this dance. I couldn’t hide the blushing and that made him smile more.

We danced. We danced for the rest of the night. After the song at prom we walked to his car and turned on music so we could dance even more. We danced until our feet hurt and all we could do was lay down in the back of his truck and gaze at the stars.

He looked at me, I looked at him, and we both looked at the stars. A shooting star happened to go by. Thank you mom.

The author's comments:

I like to write about stupid teenage love and all the possibility love gives to us. And also, if you want to see an image of what the guy looks up, my inspiration was Nash Grier.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 24 2015 at 9:48 am
WeCouldLiveLikeJackAndSally BRONZE, McKenzie, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not about how many breaths you take, it's about how many moments take your breath away."

@IndustrialRevolution I KNOW RIGHT!

on Sep. 21 2015 at 9:53 am
IndustrialRevolution BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through the pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort of bravery I must have now." ~Tobias Eaton

I love it!!! Good job, friend! Keep on writing more! ^.^