A Kiss of Death | Teen Ink

A Kiss of Death

January 11, 2017
By Corbin162000 BRONZE, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
Corbin162000 BRONZE, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not -Andre Gide

I run as quickly as possible, trying to catch up with her quick, long strides.
“Hey, wait!” I cry after her breathlessly, trying to get her attention. She stops abruptly, back facing towards me. I collide with her back, and go tumbling backwards. She remains standing, not even fazed. She turns around, eerily slow, and glares poison daggers into ,seemingly, my soul.
“What do you want from me?” she growls, threateningly quite. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair flowing to the side. Even when angry, she is still beautiful.
‘ am I really falling for someone I don’t even know?’ I think incredulously to myself. She seems to actually blush ever so slightly.
“ I-I-I just wanted to talk with you, figure you out. Figure out who you are.” I look away and down, not wanting to suffer her piercing glare. Heat starts to flush to my face.
“ Why would you want to know me? You have just met me.”  She c***s her head at me, curiously.
“ I don't know, i just find you a mystery. I like solving mysteries.” I look up at her from where i am laying on the floor, my eyes furrowed.
“Trust me, this is one mystery you don’t want to uncover.” she gives me a full tooth smile, not at all warm and inviting. Her words ring out in my head, causing me to want to find out more.
“Well, i want to know one thing though.” i look into her eyes.” why did you not move when i ran into you? I'm over 200 pounds and ran into you at full force, enough force to drive a full grown man to the ground. You didn't even flinch. Why is your skin so cold? Why are you always staying away from everyone else? Why are you so beautiful?” i realize what I asked last, and blush. She blushes as well. And then smiles.
“ The answer is actually pretty simple,”  she takes a deep breath

“I’m a vampire.”

    Chapter One
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm clock blares its annoying chimes. I drowsily reach out, flailing for the ‘snooze’ button.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.” i mumble to the alarm as i fumble with the alarm. Once the alarm was unplugged out of frustration, i collapse back into bed, head sinking into the bed.
“Crap.” i groan to myself as i remember that it is monday, and a school day. I drag myself up, so that i am sitting in the bed. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, taking one unstable leg and then on the other. Continuing that pattern, i make my way to the bathroom.

Once i finally make my way to the bathroom, i quickly relieve myself, and wash my face quickly. I lean my arms, looking at myself in the mirror. I sigh to myself, look down, and push myself from the counter, grabbing my clothes for the day. I put them on the counter, and strip out of my pajama bottoms and turn on the shower. Once it gets to the right temperature, i step in, quickly wash myself, and step back out. I slip on my clothes, i put on some old spice deodorant and some axe body spray. I slide my black t-shirt over my head and shoulders, making sure it fits correctly i then put on my necklace, grasping the pendant tightly. I look at myself one last time, before opening the door, and walking down the creaky steps to the kitchen.
Once i reached the kitchen, i opened the fridge and withdrew the milk from inside. I grab a bowl, cereal and a spoon afterwards. I sit down and start eating, thinking about the day ahead.
“Morning Nate!” i jump, heart leaping into my throat. I grab my throat and glare at my mom.
“Jesus mom, you didn't have to shout.” She just looks at me, humor dancing in her blue eyes. She laughs.
“ i know i didn't HAVE to,” she looks at me.” but  i wanted to. I just groan and flip her off and she just laughs and turns around. She makes herself some coffee and toast
“ How was your sleep Nate?” she asks over her shoulder. She turns around looks at inquisitively, smile on her face
“Oh, it was just spectacular.” honestly, i slept terrible. I had nightmares about my past. I also had some dreams that i don't fully know where they came from.
“Why are you being a smartass, Nate?” she asks me, trying to stare me down. I look straight back at her.
“Mom, just, drop it. Please just leave it alone.” she looks at me, worriedly, but nods slowly.
“ Ok Nate, fine.” she turns away, and leaves to go get ready for work, as i finish eating and slip on my jacket and swing my backpack over my shoulder.
“Mom, are you ready yet!?” i call out, waiting for her response. Sometimes i really hate the days she work. It takes her so long.
“Yeah Nate, just give me a moment.” She comes down the stairs wearing her hospital scrubs and purse.”You can drive.” she says as she tosses me the keys.
“Ok then.” i unlock the doors, and toss my bag into the back, and climb into the driver seat. I wait for mom to get in, and turn the ignition. I back out of the driveway and drive to school.

i arrive at school, hand the wheel to my mother, and enter the school. I sit at one of the tables by myself and wait for my friends to arrive.
“ Hey Nate” i hear behind me. I turn around.
“ Hey Alice.” i gesture for her to sit. As she sits down, i move my bag on the ground and place my hands on the table.
“ So, how was your weekend Alice?” i look at her and her beautiful pale skin and her beautiful face, her smile. She laughs her beautiful chime of a laugh.
“ My weekend was great. Would’ve been better though if you were able to hang out.” she gives me a sideways grin. I have been friends with Alice since our freshman year. I can't believe it is now our senior year. As i examine her face, i realize she hasn't changed at all since i first met her. I don't pay any attention about it and just smile
I chuckle, “ yeah, sorry about that. Family stuff, y’know?” she laughs her beautiful notes again and flicks her hair over her shoulder. We continue talking for another half an hour, before we know it, it's time for us to part ways and go to our classes.
“ I’ll see you later, right alice?” i look at her, hopeful smile on my face.
“ You know it, Nate. I’ll see you at lunch.” she turns to head to class, her golden hair flipping as well.

My first few classes go by without anything going on, until i get to english class. I go sit in the back corner, per usual.  The seats start getting filled by student, until only the seat next to me is open. I was expecting class to start then, but one more student enters the room, one that i've never seen before. The teacher asks us to pay attention to the front as she introduces the newcomer.
“Student, please welcome Allyson Whitmore to our school. Please treat her as one of our own, and be as polite as possible. Help her with whatever possible.” Allyson blushes, looking around nervously. She starts shuffling to the desk next to me. As she sits down, i notice that she has paleish skin as well.
“ Hi, its nice to meet you Alison.” i say to her, hand extended for a handshake. All she does is glance over at me and my hand.
“Hi Nate.” she mutters then looks away. I blink and close me hand and retracting it as i turn around, confused.how did she know my name? I never told her it., i think, pondering to myself. As class goes by, i notice that she is always tense. She tries to hide from everyone else's gaze, and she seems really pissed at me.
“ Today, i am assigning a project to you,” a chorus of groans ring out through the classroom. I roll my eyes at them” But it will be with partners” as he starts to read of the list of partners, i start to zone out, until he calls out the last group, that is.
“Nate Eckert and Allyson Whitmore” i look up at my name being called with Allyson's. i glance at her when he says this. She seems to stiffen automatically as i do.
  “The projects are to be about a fiction story based off of real events. It is due next tuesday. Have a good rest of your day class.” the bell rings and everyone heads to the door to exit the room to freedom, until it is Allyson and i left. As she starts to exit the room, i decide to confront her, but before i know it, she is already halfway down the hall, seemingly to be unnaturally fast. I run to catch up with her long strides.
“Hey, wait!” i yell, trying to get her attention. I run faster until she abruptly stops and i run right into her back. She turns around and stares at me.
“What do you want, Nate?” Well, for one, how do you know my name? I never told you it. Why are you always nervous around people? Why are you already hating me?” i think about it for a second.” and why didn't you fall over as well when i ran into you? I'm over 200 f***ing pounds, and you weigh like nothing.”
“ Why do you even want to know?” she asks, looking at me sideways.
“Because i find you a mystery, i like discovering the truth behind the mystery.”
“This is one mystery you don't want to figure out” she smiles threateningly at me.
I think about it for a moment the stare at her with piercing eyes.
“What are you?” i ask in a steady tone, yet terrified on the inside.
She smiles. “ i'm a vampire.”

      Chapter 2
“You are a what?” i ask in disbelief. I look at her carefully making note about her appearance. On a kind of sick thought, it made me like her even more. I mean, a flippin vampire? Come on, this is ridiculous turn to the story, but, let us continue.
“ A vampire, you idiot. Can you hear me? Y’know, a bloodsucker, undead, murderer. Pale skin, burns to a crisp in sunlight? Ring any bells?” she says in a taunting voice. She stares at me with a lopsided grin. I look over her again again. She definitely had the pale skin and beauty of a vampire, but two things stuck out in the back of my head. I scoot backwards a little bit and start to stand back up, watching her the whole time.
“ i believe you about being a vampire, but two things don't quite add up.” I take a breath” You are standing in broad daylight all day, and you haven't burned yet, and if you were a vampire, i'm technically pray for you. Why haven't you attacked me yet?” i watch her reaction very carefully. She looks around nervously, sighs, and looks down.
“Because it's not who i am. Look, you seem nice, beut you shouldn't be around me… for your own safety.” She looks at me with a sad look. My face softens.
“ Allyson, i know, but, you just draw me in. please, just let me stick around you. I want to learn who you are, and why you are what you are. If you decide enough is enough, tell me and i will leave.” i give her a small smile. She nods slowly and gives a genuine smile, and reaches to shake hands. I take it and slightly shiver at her cold touch. I smile wider. I ask her if we should stop at my place to work on the project we were assigned, and we set it up for tomorrow. We said our goodbyes and parted ways for the day.

I start on my way home shortly after. The route home isn't all that scenic or long, just a series of side streets. But something caught my eye this time: A kitten playing with yarn. I watch her for awhile, amused. Then i get thinking.’why am i so interested in this, i've seen this so many times, why do i watch now?’ as i think about it, i realize the similarities.
The cat is like me, the ball is ally. The cat gets interested by the ball, and as it unravels, the cat follows intensely, more and more fascinated. I'm just like this. As soon as i first met ally, i've been following, trying to get more of the story.

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