The Night Circus | Teen Ink

The Night Circus

November 8, 2018
By brandon05 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
brandon05 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A circus that goes from town to town without notice has grown to become a very popular attraction. Each night the night circus is open to the public. People move from one tent to another confused on what illusions that they have just experienced. As the night goes on, Celia and Marco, two magicians that are in a mystical duel, but both end up falling in love with each other, which leads to catastrophic events. Both antagonists face many challenges in trying to keep the circus alive.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is a really great book. This book did not only have a great story but the author had a great way of describing the story.  She would describe everything to the smallest details. As she would talk about an object I would feel like I was actually looking at the object. For example, when Celia stated “But that is before its wound. Before that is begins to tic, the pendulum swinging steadily and evenly” (Morgenstern 131). This helps illustrate the depth Morgenstern would describe everything. The Night Circus had a funny way of telling its story. It was made of a series of small stories that all come together to tell one big story. I mention this because I really enjoy the way the end of every story has a little mystery. This makes the book more and more intriguing as it is coming to the end, and as the book is finishing, all the questions that the reader may have had, are answered. Another thing that I like about this book was that it includes second person point of view.  For instance, “You step into a bright, open courtyard surrounded by strips tents”  (Morgenstern 107-108). This sentence from the passage was describing how the reader would feel in the circus as if you were there. On the other hand, a thing that I really didn’t like much about this book was the fact that the book would jump from the past to the future, so this made the book really hard to follow the storyline. 

I would recommend this book to many people. This book has a great storyline. It includes a lot of figurative language. This book would be a great chose for people who have a soft spot for romance. I, myself, really like it because it included more than romance. It included mystery and magic. On the other hand, I would not recommend this book to someone that cannot follow many stories at the same time or people that struggle on focusing on one thing for a long period of time.  

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