Three Pianos | Teen Ink

Three Pianos

September 1, 2019
By Anonymous

There are 88 keys on a piano. Some of them are black, some of them white. But what if there were keys that were somewhere in between? Grey keys, if you may. What if I wanted keys that could play frequencies in between, for example, C6 and C#6. And on a scale from black to white, there would be endless keys, endless frequencies, and endless imagination. Think about how Beethoven’s moonlight sonata could be played for every second of eternity and somehow sound different each time. Imagine a piano that, rather than playing keys at specific frequencies, played the dreams of man. Oh, the laughter you would hear as a coal miner marries the princess of England. The looks that would be given as an accountant quit his job and plays guitar for a notorious band in a stadium bustling with happy eager faces. How the unlovable could me loved, the untouchable be touch, and the poor in spirit find joy. Such a machine would be revered, praised, idolized. There would be overwhelming crowds to see such a spectacle. The power to reach the heart of man is not common and the piano would become one of the most sacred objects on Earth. Imagine a piano that told you exactly what you needed to hear in life. The pianist would be rid of problems. A lost boy stumbles on the piano and is looking for his mother. As he touches the rich ivory of A7, he would not only understand how to get home, but how to find a college. How to find a family. As a boy, that magnificent sound resonated within him in what he would do with his life. The lost boy would never have another problem in his life. But what a tremendously boring life that would be. In problems, we are persistent. In uncertainty, we find excitement. Now think if all three were played at once. Would the dreams of man conflict with what they need to hear? Would our own ambition counteract the likelihood of our true future? Or would they play together like a symphony? To have the piano of dreams explain our ambitions and the piano of ivory plan them out. Or perhaps they would work like the piano of gray, neither side doing their job fully.

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