Special One | Teen Ink

Special One

January 10, 2021
By Korn BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Korn BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With the sound of controllers clicking and the loud sound from the tv speaker in my living room. I  didn’t play with them because I couldn't get off the bed, and it didn't bother me at all. I always like to sleep because I’m lazy, and my video game skills are not that good. My name is Jane Baker, and I was born in some kind of wealthy family, but at least I did not get spoiled. My family taught me not to use the money if it not necessary, they taught me that money is not the only thing on Earth that can make you happy, they taught me how to save money to buy my own stuff, but sometime if it necessary to buy some expensive stuff for me like a laptop, they will buy it for me. My parents are also giving us choices to choose whatever we want to be, what we like, and what we’ll enjoy doing. Our house is in Los Angeles, California, on Beverly Hill. My family has a total of six people or I should say five, including me, my dad Gerrard Baker, and my mom Adela Baker. I have two brothers, Terry twenty-five, and Joey seventeen. One sister, Emma sixteen, and me fourteen. We have three dogs, Timber, Rocky, Winston, two cats, Kevin and Colin.

Last year we went to watch auto racing, but it was special because Terry was in one of the racers, number forty-seven. His car was a 2015 GT-R GT500. We were cheering him even though he wasn’t the first one yet. We were two-hundred or so laps, I couldn’t remember. We saw his car stopped at the pitstop in front of us for just seconds, we all shouted for him, hoping that he would hear us and give him the courage to win this race, he was in fourth place at the time. He got back into the race and beat third-place and close to second-place, the race almost ended, and we were cheering as loud as we could and hoped that he would get first place. My stomach isn’t feeling right like I wanted to throw up and the smell of blood in the air touched my nose. My eyes were quickly focused on Terry’s car, it looked unstable and the wheel was shaky. Suddenly, his car became uncontrollable and crashed into the side of the track that made his car flip. For minutes he just stayed in the car, but as soon as he got his consciousness back, he crawled out of the car. Little did he know it was too late, his car was full of fire, and it was too late for the pit crew to stop the fire. People were terrified and hoped that he would survive, but the car exploded. 

On the day, September 22, 2019, I lost my brother Terry. My family has no words to say, but we sobbed and cried. My heart struck and I still hoped that he would survive in this situation, but the fact that his car exploded. We all knew that he liked cars when he was young. We never thought that it would lead to his death. I might be the one who doesn’t talk to him that much, but I still remember when he played with me when I was young. He talked to me about cars, and he even gave me a model car for my birthday. I still have his car and will never lose it. Later, I knew the reason that the car exploded was that there was a leak that made gasoline and the spark from when his car scratched in the ground. The fire was strong and fast that went through the fuel tank that causes the car to explode

Last year was tough for all of us. We all never believe that this tragic accident would happen to us. Terry was one of the great auto racers, we have seen him working-hard and putting all the effort, money, and heart into the car. One day, my sister Emma walked up to me slowly to my room, her leg was as slow as a turtle, but she had a model car in her hand.

She said sobbing with tears, “Terry gave me this when I was seven, he said that this is one of his favorite cars, but that he would give it to me because he would show me a real version, while he’s a famous Racer. ” She ended up chuckling and sobbing altogether. 

I put my arm around her belly tightly, then stood up and walked to my toy collection. I showed her all my cars that he gave to me. I then said, “He also gave me his car collection, and one of the cars I got from him was also one of his favorites.”

I handed the car to her and said, “You should take this, I think it belongs to you.”

My sister refused and said, “He gave it to you, so you should keep this, but keep it safe.”

I replied, “Have you ever wondered that he is watching over us?”

“I’m going to sleep now, I’m so tired,” she said. 

I hugged her for the last time and said, “Good night Emma.” 

Then Emma walked slowly to the door, closed the light, said, “Night Jane, thank you so much,” and closed the door.

However, after the accident, I looked back and noticed something that I have never noticed before. I think I got some kind of feeling that tells me right before something bad happens to my family. 

 It’s May, and school is almost over, this year we have planned to go on vacation next month to Las Vegas to see our uncle, aunt, and nephew, to meet them and have fun. We also planned to visit the many attractions because they are close. After my school closed, I could barely get out of my bed, I usually walked out when it’s time to eat, and whenever I wanted snacks. I’ve been doing it for a week and tomorrow is vacation week, I forgot to pack up! We’re going for like two weeks, all I did was put every single piece of clothes in my closet in the suitcase. Our flight is at 9:00 am because we would have enough time to do more things. The flight was around one hour and I still got time to sleep. We reached Las Vegas and the first thing we all agreed on is to go to eat. My dad reserved a rental car and drove us to the restaurant, I slept most of the time in the car. After we ate, my dad continued driving for us to the hotel, my dad told me that this hotel is going to have lots of things to do there. On the way, I started to look around the busy city. Lots of cars are on the road, people walking on the sidewalk, lots of tall buildings, and interesting places.

My dad stopped for the traffic in front of the hotel, I started to look up through the window, the traffic was as long as I could count the floor number of the hotel, I got a total of fifty-two floors. We got the room and went to the room to put our stuff in and rest for a bit. Around 2:00 pm, my dad said, “Everybody gets ready, we’ll head out soon to see your uncle.” We all get up from the bed lazily and walk back to the car. As we drove out of busy places, I started to see houses instead of tall buildings around me, houses look nice around here. My uncle’s house wasn’t far from us, it took us around ten minutes to get there. First of all, my uncle’s name is Jerry Brooks, my aunt Charlotte Brooks, my nephew’s name is Jared, and he’s fifteen years old. We got into the house, hugged each other, and started hanging out. My dad was talking to my uncle’s aunt. Joey and Jared were playing games on the tv, me and Emma just watching them play. 

We have been there for a good five hours, it was around 7:30 pm, dad drove us and Jared to the amusement park. My dad told me that he is going to the casino with his mom, uncle, and aunt.  We reached the amusement that is full of lights and rides. We started to walk around and see many people waiting in lines. We decided to go to the Ferris wheel first, we waited for around five minutes and got in. As we got higher, I looked around and saw all the buildings that were full of different lights, people looked at the size of an ant, and it was as beautiful as I thought. 

We finished and can’t decide where to go next. We have two ideas, first going to a haunted house which I’m okay with it but I’m just not a fan of a jump scare, or second, going to the roller coaster, which I’m also fine with but just hate when it drops from the high place, but Emma is a fan of height, so I chose to go too. Both boys wanted to go to the haunted house, but I and Emma chose to go to the roller coaster. We ended in an old way, a coin-flipping. Emma and I chose the head, the boys chose tails. The result was ahead and we all have to go on a roller coaster. As we walked through my stomach was suddenly upset and the smell of blood touched. I saw my sister in front, and in a sudden second I shouted, “Be careful!” but it was too late, a loud sound of the cable was snapped from one of the rides and fell down loudly in front of us. I could never open my eyes and never thought this day would come, I kept thinking and thinking that I can’t help my sister get out of this situation, and I’ll lose other people in my life and thought that the last time I hug my sister, it was the real last time. People around shouted, “Call 911!!!” I opened my eyes and saw my sister standing in front of me without any injury, the ride was right behind her. I cried and hugged her, I can’t believe I could save her life and don’t have to lose anyone from my life again. My sister said to me, “Thank you for helping me.” We hope that things like this will never happen to us again and hope that we’ll have a great vacation after this.

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