White dress | Teen Ink

White dress

May 31, 2022
By Anonymous

    As long as time the fairies and dwarfs were enemies, with the penalty for getting caught with the other being death. Their worlds were separated by a dense forest over 5 miles deep supposedly home to eerie animals, nicknamed the Giant Woods. Sedona was a fairy, with purple glowing wings and long blonde hair. She always pictured herself walking down the aisle in a white dress, surrounded by people she loved. She spent her days gathering berries for her village, singing as she went. It was peak season for fruits, but a drought cut their supply short and the neighborhood was suffering. Lacking options, Sedona decided to wander into the Giant Woods searching for food.

    On the other side of the forest, a dwarf named Rory went about the town. He loved music, and spent most of his free time playing guitar. The buzz of stressed conversation flowed from the open window of the tavern he would often entertain at. He decided to take a break from walking to see what the commotion was. Panic filled the room as the gravity of the situation sank in, the drought stripped the town of water, killing in its wake. The only clear choice was to search for an alternate water source. Being the lucky dwarf who had just walked in, Rory was chosen to complete the journey. 

    In order to blend in, Sedona wore a brown cloak that covered her wings, a large hood to hide her blonde hair, and a brown tote bag to collect food. After walking for miles, she reached a lush green opening surrounded by berry bushes and a stream nearby. Stopping to gather the fruits she was lost in her own mind, singing to herself. Rory carried a rucksack with containers to collect water, a brown coat over his shoulders and large boots. It took him hours to find any notable source of water. He splashed the cool liquid on his face as he sat exhausted and filled the containers with the clear water. He heard what sounded like an angel singing as he followed the river upstream where he found the source of the music. He stared as she turned around and they both screamed, realizing who they were.

    “Who are you?” she said. “Why are you here?” she continued

    “My name is Rory, and I'm just getting water. Who are you?” He said.

Sedona looks at him wearily, “Sedona” she said. They kept their distance and gathered their supplies, hoping to not get caught. As they returned to their villages, it was clear that something was different. When the others saw them, they knew they had been in contact with the other kind. They were put on trial, found to have broken the law and therefore sentenced to death. Miles apart wearing all white, the two creatures were cast off in caskets to the forest to be fed to the animals. Sedona wore a white dress, but not the kind she had always hoped for.

The author's comments:

This piece is a project for my creative writing class

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