Antarctica | Teen Ink


December 2, 2022
By steve_mcclure BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
steve_mcclure BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The solar system is an ecologically closed spacecraft hurtling mankind to its ultimate destiny,” says Roberto Manclefer, the news reporter. Thoughts kept flooding into my head like a hurricane was going on inside my head. I couldn’t choose which idea for what the “ultimate destiny” could be. I thought first that all the planets are going to be pushed into the sun by all the dwarf planets as revenge for not recognizing them. Then, I thought about a possible purge or a war where every country is for themself. My final thought though is that every country joins their continent, and the continents unite for peace but one continent change that, and it is the least excepted. 
As new viruses start to form, more people are supposedly dying, but that is not the case. All the people are going to Antarctica. There was a newsletter on the Black Market where they show pictures of grass and mid temperatures in the summer. More people are leaving to start a new life there. Military workers bring fighter planes, warships, aircraft carriers, and nuclear weapons with them. Finally, three years later Antarctica came out of hiding and built a military and government. Antarctica has officially built a republic.  
Australia begins conflict when they believe that antarctica would be easy to take over but did not realize that antarctica has the most warships, nuclear weapons, troops, and fighter planes of any other military in the universe. This war has been named the Antarctic war I. Antarctica blew through Australia in only around 1 year. Now Antarctica has the space of two continents. Feeling unbeatable at the time, the Antarctic president decided to head after South Asia and then go up Asia surrounding the former China as Asia had split China up because they wouldn’t cooperate with any other Asian countries. 
Antartica got only India, the Middle East, and every other Asian country east of India. After they had done that, they had gotten major setback as a standoff began to happen. Secretly North America and Antarctica had begun arrangements to start an alliance that also includes Europe. This surprisingly happened and Europe started pushing Asia back from the west. In two more years, Asia had been conquered and suddenly Europe left the alliance. Antarctica had the power of Asia, Australia and themselves so Europe was easy to blow through after losing so many soldiers during the Antarctic War II. Next on the Antarctic list was South America. 
Antarctica began calling North America from most battles in South America so North America left the alliance and joined an alliance with South America. Half of South America had been taken before this though. South America had been blown by in the Antarctica War IV. The final target and the hardest was North America. 
North America was putting up great battles in Texas, Canada, and Mexico but they couldn’t keep the Western Side under their leadership. North America could see that there was no way that they could win this war, so they began negotiating for treaties. This plan was working but they lost a lot more land and after the treaty was signed Antarctica had over 75% of North America.  This proves that Antarctica had won all wars that they had fought from the Antarctic Wars I-V as because Africa had been taken by North America.  
Antarctica had basically done what their opponent's goal was because the rest of North America was not going to try and take Antarctica. Antarctica has proven themselves to be a force not to be reckoned with. 

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