Forever be Free | Teen Ink

Forever be Free

January 6, 2023
By avaruble24 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
avaruble24 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the dark, and rusty woods, Mimir searched for the one thing that could save him. Running past tree, after tree, pond, after pond, he could hear the sound of footsteps coming near, and he began to panic. He had never been in this situation before, he was always the smartest, always the wisest, always the first to fight back, and in this moment, he felt useless. 

"Come to me, and you will forever be free," boomed the sarcastic voice of Mimir's enemy. 

Panting, Mimir kept running, even faster now, searching, and scanning the woods for any sign of the berry that would save him from Vanir. Mimir heard the footsteps come even closer, and he fell to the ground with a loud thud, the world around him going dark. 

. . .

"Mimir, teach me all that you know, gain me the knowledge that you have. Please, in order to defeat Vanir forever." 

Mimir heard the sound of his ally, Odin, calling out to him, as his eyes slowly opened up for the first time in what felt like years. 

"Mimir! It worked! It worked!" cried Odin, running around the botanical garden. 

Mimir glanced down at his body, looking to see if Vanir had wounded him in the embarrassing moment where he had been captured. But, instead of the sight of an injured body, Mimir was met with absolutely nothing. 

"What is happening Odin? Where is Vanir? What happened to me?" Mimir replied to Odin's cheers. 

"Well, Vanir ran off after I caught him, he beheaded you, decapitated your body, but I was able to preserve your head in this herb garden. I was hoping to gain some of your wisdom, in order to defeat Vanir, and trial him for the actions that he took, and the things that he has done." Odin rambled off. 

Mimir nodded, understanding Odin's actions, and wanting to help. The embarrassment, and uselessness that Mimir felt when he was being chased through the woods was one that he never wanted to feel again, and he would help anyone in order to defeat Vanir forever. 

"Carry my head, for I will make all of your decisions for you, and help you through battle." Mimir replied to Odin's rambles. 

"Why thank you kind sir, thank you very much indeed, you are the wisest of them all." 

So, Odin took Mimir's head, and carried it to where Vanir had supposedly ran off, hoping to take him down. 

. . .

Mimir and Odin made it to the dark forest that Vanir was at, Odin quivering in fear, but hopeful that Mimir's wisdom would get him through the battle ahead. Odin walked down the tall hill in the center of the woods to make it to the pond where Vanir seemed to spend a lot of his time. Approaching the pond, Odin saw Vanir and suddenly gained confidence in his actions. 

"Vanir. It is I Odin, here with Mimir to defeat you for good. You have never been an ally to us and beheading Mimir was your final straw, come to me and be banished from this world forever." Odin spit out confidently. 

Vanir laughed a brutal laugh, mocking Odin's words, and following up by saying, "Oh Odin, you poor, poor soul, if only you could hear how ridiculous you sound in this moment. For I am Vanir, I beheaded what I will admit was the greatest God in the land, and yet you are still here trying to threaten me, well what must I say? I am not threatened." 

All of a sudden, a loud boom escaped the sky, and a man came zooming down with intent to fight. Mimir's head fell to the ground with the sound of footsteps passing by. The next time that he opened his eyes, Odin was standing above him with a sword, except instead of facing Vanir, he was facing Mimir, ready to execute him for good. Mimir cried out in fear, and suddenly the world went dark once again.  

The author's comments:

Ava Ruble is an emerging author who writes mystery, fantasy, and science fiction stories. With her determination to only submit her best, Ava has managed to earn a 90% or higher on every assignment in the Creative Writing program at Wentzville Holt High School, in Wentzville, Missouri. She is a hopeful writer, excited to release her works to the public. 

Ava is a current junior in high school, and is praised by teachers for her drive, and initiative. She has received multiple awards, with her most memorable one being an all-academic 4.0 GPA award for the Missouri State Dance Competition in 2022. 

Ava plans on attending university in her future. She wants to major in Psychology, and be on the dance team. Ava thanks all of her friends, and family members who have gotten her to where she is today, and appreciates all of the people who read her stories for sharing the love for the characters with her. 

You can connect with Ava on Instagram @avaeruble

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