The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

February 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt… Starting my journey to Arizona for college to hopefully get to the airlines soon. I have two weeks to make it to school. The water bottle in my hand I walk around in my Adidas and see the photos of the Wright brothers in a little photo frame of the airport lobby. Scrolling through instagram while eating pancakes, I see a post from the rock while i'm waiting for the small plane to arrive and drop off the keys. The plane lands and hands me the keys, and I begin to walk out to the hanger. One minute I held the keys, next the walls were closed on me. The giant walls of the hanger were sealed, having to walk back around to open the giant doors and push out the little 172. Hopping into the seat, opening the window and yelling "clear prop”. I turn on the fuel pump, turn it off, then push in the mixture as the engine starts. After my runup and clearance I finally took off from Waukesha. I fly over Pewaukee lake and begin to turn southeast. Taking the long way to Arizona with all the clear skies, and red clouds. I stop to land at a few airports to refuel and one to stay the night. Waking up in the morning with the bright sun blinding me, I repeated the same process and took off from Kentucky and continued south east. The wind is a strong tailwind pushing me faster and faster. Eventually I made it down to Florida. Landing at a small airport near a hotel I noticed some people talking spanish and saying some stuff about BigFoot. I stayed a few nights down in the hot Florida weather relaxing before I began to go towards Arizona. My grandma called me and told me good job and that I will have fun in Arizona. As I am leaving Florida I look to the left and can see dolphins swimming and jumping in the water. The clouds way above me, I am cruising west towards Arizona, stopping twice for fuel, and once to get some sleep. My final leg to Arizona the wind is on my side pushing me forward. Calling into Mesa airport they cleared me to land on 30L, then began to have me taxi to the tiedowns. Finally making it to the tiedowns the plane sits outside of the school hanger waiting to be started up the next day.

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