The Three Lost Souls | Teen Ink

The Three Lost Souls

March 2, 2023
By kcrossley BRONZE, Springfeild, Ohio
kcrossley BRONZE, Springfeild, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever felt like someone was following you? Like something is around but you can't see them and you feel that gut feeling that someone or something is nearby. On October 30, 2023 it was around 8 o'clock and I went to Shawnee High School to break down and see the true backstory of the place. First, I had to get a group to go with. So I brought Brian, Xavier, Even, Druski, and me. All these people were going to help us break down the Shawnee building to see if anything unnatural would occur while we were there. Before we went up there we had tools: we had to bring a ghost detector, radio tester and energy frequency tester. After we had all our equipment we were ready to go and we went on our way to catch some ghost.

When we got in there it wasn't too crazy until we started going to parts of the building where nobody goes anymore. Down by the north gym there is a locker room but there's a small little door right under the stairs. When we walked into the door, it felt creepy, the temperature dropped and I felt the tension rise. Everyone was quiet (including me) but the ghost detector went off and everybody was alarmed. Nobody panicked, although we all just stood still and listened, we paid attention to the sound and heard a little girl laughing. We all started to panic after we heard a little girl out of nowhere Brian and I were the first ones out of the room sprinting and we didn't look back.

Brian and I  ran the opposite way, not looking back and we all got separated   from the group. We stopped by the bathrooms near the cafeteria area. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air not knowing what to think. I yelled for Brian but he wasn't there so I started looking for where he was. We only went through the cafeteria. He shouldn't be too far, As soon as turned the corner BOOM, Brian and I both ran into each other confused on whether or not to be happy or terrified. But following behind him was the rest of the group Xavier, Druski, and Even. After that I felt weird like a lot of weight was on top of me and I had a headache out of nowhere.


The Way Home  


After I felt this way we decided to head to the car to leave, When we all got in the car the car wouldn't start, so Brian and I got out of the car to check the hood to see if something was wrong inside the hood, But when we got out to check and see if anything was there was anything wrong. We popped the hood, We both looked at each other confused why this had to happen right then and there. When we pulled up to my house I still felt sick to my stomach but didn't tell anybody so people wouldn't think I was being a wimp. When I got in the house though I felt good like weight got lifted off me or something uplifted out of me at that, But also I felt drained like all my energy was used. I went upstairs to see if my dad was home because I felt really bad and wanted to see if he wanted to get food, But he wasn't there. So I went to change into some different clothes that would be more comfortable to wear. But I heard people talking down stairs, like a group of people. I went downstairs to see what was going on and as soon as I hit the last step to see under the wall everything stopped. I didn't see anybody. I was so confused and fear shrieked inside my stomach on what was going on because I already knew what was happening. As soon as this happened I ran back upstairs into my room to grab weapons and Berracated myself in. After an hour I still heard nothing, not a single word or peep, So before I went out of my room to go check the house I had to gear up. First on the list to get was a weapon, something to defend myself with something that's a heavy hitter, I got a bat then the next thing to get was the ghost detector which is a energy reader. Next thing up on my list to get is food and water, but that was all the way downstairs so it was a mission to get. Last thing to do was to get ready for this long awning night to find some ghost. Before leaving I checked my phone to see where my dad was just in case I got into something bad downstairs and needed someone to help me if anything bad happened. But he didn't answer and kept not answering so I had no choice but to get ready and go myself. Before leaving I figure out where the ghost might be and where they primarily stay. First I headed to the attic to see if any activity was there, but before heading up tho I started to get a slight fear of something like something was around and I didnt know. I started to get hot and started to sweat and my anxiety was high, I opened the door to the attic and used the ladder to get up. I had my phone but it was at 15% so I used the flashlight to see where I was going. My attic was pretty big but had one corner to cut that was super close so if anything was there it wouldn't be hard for something to catch me off guard. So when I went up to the attic there was also a little storage you go through before getting to the main hallway to the attic. While I was going to the storage area I heard a little girl crying. I was super confused because none of my sisters were home either and they wouldn't be in the attic. I moved quietly and didn't make a sound to go hide behind boxes that were in the storage. I waited behind the boxes for 10min to see if the crying would stop but it didn't. It was faint but you could still hear it like a baby crying in its crib. I finally got thow the storage and got to the door leading to the main attic. I was feeling shaky and I was super nervous about what was going to happen next.

Braylen Jhonson the ghost

When I went through the door I could hear the crying a little more than before but it still was a little far. When I was walking I could hear something else like breathing but I was confused because I wasn't even tired, just  nervous and scared. Then also I hear out the storage room someone else talking. That's when I really thought I was done for, so I had no choice but to keep moving forward. When I was coming up to the corner the cries got louder and louder like a baby whining for its mother. Before I turn the corner I start to slow down and look around my surroundings. I used the ghost detector and it was blinking towards the corner. So I moved out, I ran past the corner to see what was going on and there was a boy about 15-16 with curly hair standing there crying. I didn't know who it was at first but when I started getting closer I could see his face. It was Braylen. Braylen used to go to Shawnee a long time ago and was such a prankster at Shawnee high school. I remembered this because I looked through all the year books and took pictures to remember them for later. I tried speaking with him but he just stayed quiet. I was really confused because I couldn't tell if he was good or not.  So I asked him how he got here, Then he started to mutter “I followed you” My heart's sake I really didn't think it was true that ghosts were in my house. So I asked him another question, why are you here?" He looked at me and paused. I am here to be free, Then as soon as he said those words he lifted up thru the walls and said “There are two more in the middle room and basement good luck” then left. But the ghost left a note as well. “There were three of us, Braylen, Jaquice, and Larry. You have to free us if you want us to leave your house”. So Before going down to the middle room and seeing if I'm going to run into Jaquice or Leery first.

The author's comments:

This is a ghost story made by Kaiden Crossley, It is a fiction/ sci-fi story about a ghosts.

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