A stairway to the clouds | Teen Ink

A stairway to the clouds

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Taking a walk along the beach. I come to a stairway that goes out over the ocean up into the clouds.

I walk up to it and step onto the first step up and up I climb as I think “where does this go? How much further?”

I keep walking, the clouds seem to get closer and closer as I reach the clouds. I see a castle floating in the sky. But the stairs have ended and the floating island is just out of reach. Majestic and tall the castle is jaw droppingly impressive. There was a garden that wrapped all the way around the castle.

But “how is it floating? Is this a dream? I wonder.

So I pinched myself “ouch”.

Nope it was real! Then I see something miraculous. Dragons and lots of them. One flew over and seemed to say hop on so I climbed onto the dragon and it flew me to the castle in the sky. It was magnificent. With its huge wings and long tail. The dragon landed at the castle and I walked up to it. Tall and majestic castle stood there. I was amazed. I could have just sat and stared all day.

But I couldn’t help wondering. “What’s inside”.

I pushed the giant wooden doors open and saw the grand entry hall. It went on a very long way in vast hallways with many doors and decorations. The hall was huge by itself. But the hallways made the castle seem like a giant maze. A stairway was at the end leading up to the next floor.

“Where should I explore first?” I wondered and finally decided to go down one of the hallways.

As I walked down the hallway there were so many doors. I wanted to look in each one but was too curious about what was at the other end of the hallway. I got to the end. A door was at the end I pulled and the heavy door opened with a creak. As if it was groaning in protest. I looked down a dark spiral staircase. I didn’t want to go down there no way.

Then behind me someone said “who are you and what are you doing here.”

I jumped and turned around to see a person standing there with a stern look on their face. They looked to be a king or queen of some sort.

“I..I’m just looking around. I didn't know it was yours” I said.

“Well, do you usually go somewhere uninvited?” they asked.

“N..no” I replied.
“Anyway, how did you even get up here? Usually the dragons don’t let just anyone in here.” they asked.

“ Just kind of rode one over here.” I replied.

“What!” he exclaimed. “ They haven’t ever done anything of the sort before. But it will be getting dark soon so maybe you should head home.”

I glanced out the window realizing that I must get home before my parents get too worried. So I waved goodbye to the king and he had one of the dragons fly me all the way down the stairs were I ran home. To find my parents wondering were I had been.

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