Arctic Fusion | Teen Ink

Arctic Fusion

May 4, 2023
By BlazingLion BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
BlazingLion BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“WALRUSSNAKE! A walrussnake combines a walrus and a snake, its body is entirely walrus, while its tail is extended like a snake. It is covered in scales, has snake-like eyes, and its tusks are fangs filled with venom. The walrussnake lives at the north pole where it swims in the arctic cold water. It hunts for fish and clams to eat, and has thermal vision so it can see the fish in the frozen water. The walrussnake main predator is the polar mongoose bear which is a combination of a polar bear and a mongoose. The polar mongoose bear has a resistance to venom allowing it to hunt walrussnakes more effectively. Thank you for joining us in our adventure about the lives of these two amazing creatures, next time we will be learning about the legend of the giant heart-eating aye-aye, but until then, have a great day.”

Tom: Ok then I have finished the last pit of dialogue, now it's time to get out of this freezing wasteland. HEY JOHN I FINISHED, NOW ITS TIME TO GO.

Tom says that outside in the distance where john was taking some pictures of some harp seal penguins before Tom scared them away.

John: I coming. 

John then walks toward their arctic base but soon Tom sees a blizzard coming towards them.


John begins to run at the Arctic base with the blizzard coming right behind him. John then was able to get inside just in time for when the blizzard had come.

John: Well that was a close one, it almost had me.

Tom: No kidding, but now we have to stay here until the blizzard goes away.

John: Well at least I got some pictures before the blizzard came.


5 hours have passed since the blizzard first come, Tom was asleep while John was looking through their surveillance cameras. While looking through the cameras, John sees a shadowy figure in the blizzard.

John: Hey Tom I so something moving in the cameras.

Tom: zzzzzzzzzzz.

John: Wake up Tom Wake up!

Tom: W-What do you want John?

John: I saw something move on the cameras!

Tom: Do worry about it *yawn* it's just your imagination.

Tom then goes back to sleep while John tries to find whatever he saw on the cameras. Then suddenly a creature appeared from the blizzard and put absolute fear into John.

John: Oh dear god!

Tom: What know-

Tom turns around and sees what looks like an orca with wolf legs and musk ox horns on the cameras.

Tom: What the heck is that?!

John: A orca wolf ox, they’re a mix of an orca, an arctic wolf, and a musk ox. They are capable of hunting both land and sea and are very dangerous.

John begins to panic.

John: What are we going to do, what are we going to do?!

Tom: Alright calm down John everything is going to be fine, and besides, there's only one of them.

They then hear a loud clicking noise.


Tom: Ok know we might be in danger.

The author's comments:

This is a small short story about a world where animals are combined with other animals. It starts off as a nature documentary but then transitions to people that were editing it, but they eventually get into trouble with an unexpected quest. 

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