Little Red | Teen Ink

Little Red

May 15, 2023
By Anonymous

Once upon a time a little girl loved by everyone in the woods of a far away land baked some delicious cookies, cakes, and cupcakes for her family. The little girl draped in a long red cape and a red hood that covered her hair swung her door wide open to be greeted with a great breeze. 

“What a beautiful day today!” the girl exclaimed. 

The Little girl started down a cobbled road made many years ago. She started walking at a slow pace and then started to skip. Her feet landed on the stones in a pattern that sounded like the pecking a bird makes when pecking on wood. As she skipped down the cobbled path and the trees sang in the wind. She pondered to herself. 

“I wonder what cake Grandma will like the best!” 

While passing through the dark forest a loud crashing sound roared throughout the forest. Causing the song birds to take flight. In fright she ran to a hollowed out log and hid with her basket of delicious treats. After some time the faint sound of paws softly crunched the autumn leaves. They grew closer, closer, and closer more till they stopped. Feeling brave, Little red peeked her head out. A furry leg and tail sat on the ground and looking up Little Red saw a large wolf licking his Lips. 

“Hello there little one! What brings you out to these parts of the woods?” the wolf inquired

Crawling out of her damp hiding space Little red preformed a small curtsey and politely said 

“Hello Mr. Wolf, I am going to visit my Grandma just down the road! I have some treats for her!” 

Mr Wolf Replied “ What a lovely thing to do! Those treats smell delicious.” the Wolf said with a grin on its face. 

With a smile Little Red said “Yes, I love my Grandma so much. I want to make her happy. I must be going now. Bye Mr. Wolf!” 

Little red waved and continued to skip down the path. The Wolf looked on with a droll falling down his mouth. 

Little red continued on for a few more minutes skipping and singing to the birds and trees around her. She soon arrived at a quaint cottage on the hillside with smoke billowing out of its chimney. Little red then knocked on the wooden door saying

“Granny Granny come out and see what I have for you!” 

Receiving no answer Little red swung the door wide open and entered the quaint cottage. Laying on the bed Grandma had a cap pulled over her mouth. 

 “Grandma, what big eyes do you have!” said Little Red. 

“The better to hear you, my Child” was the reply. 

“Oh Grandma, what big eyes do you have?” Inquired little red. 

“Only to see you better dear!” was the reply 

“Grandma, why are your hands so large?” Little red ponder 

“So, I can hug you easier my dear!” was the reply. 

“Oh but Grandma what big mouth you have!” 

“The better to eat you and your goodies with.” 

The wolf then sprang out of the bed and launched itself onto little red grabbing the basket and setting it aside. Glancing back the wolf smirked and said. 

“Now for the main course.” 

In fear little red begins to cry and screams for Grandma. Soon after the closet door swung open and Grandmas appeared. With a scream she ran and roundhouse kicked the wolf. The wolf folded over. With such a commotion a Lumberjack appeared justo outside the doorway and asked. 

“What is the problem Ms…. hey ITS THAT DARN WOLF” 

Seeing the possible demise the wolf ran as fast as it could out of the cottage with the Lumberjack in chase. With the wolf gone, Little Red ran over to her Grandmother and embraced her tighter than ever. 

“Dear Dear everything is alright you are safe now. The big bad wolf is gone.” Grandmother said in a soothing tone. 

“How about we have some of your cakes?” 

With a smile and a small nod Grandmother and Little red sat down at the kitchen table and ate all the cakes till they could not eat anymore. 

The author's comments:

I've always loved the early 200's movie called hoodwinked. It has become a small cult classic, so I tok a bit of inspiration from that movie and removed the detective aspect from it. Reformating the original story to add some humor and a small twist. 

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