the 5th day | Teen Ink

the 5th day

September 18, 2023
By Anonymous

She looked at the world, what was first a sad world with barely any people, cities empty as ghost towns. Is now a world filled with perturbed people, scared and trying to fix the wrongdoing. Why you may ask? Today is the day that humanity finds out whether they will be terminated by the gods. Over the years humanity's technology has flourished. To new military artillery to new AI. This has managed to help out in good ways, however as technology increased, humanity's selfishness and their avarice for power also increased. Due to their avarice and increase in technology, more wars have broken out, in want of even more power and technology. As a result of the wars people's homes have been destroyed, and people all over the world have been struggling to get water, food, and shelter, a lot of people even felt like the gods were punishing them because of bad things. However, things in New York were different and better than everywhere else. That is due to mostly wealthy people living there, they could afford the new technology and could protect themselves. All of the people there were arrogant and didn't care about what was going on in the world, all except one. Her name is Celestia, Celestia held animosity towards her father and everyone, she didn't agree with their nonchalant attitude towards the wars. As she was out trying to take a break away from her thoughts, a light as bright as the sun appeared out of thin air. It was two people, people who seemed too peculiar to be normal people. However, these people didn't seem to notice her at first, finally they started talking “This place is immensely better than the rest of the world…” the older man said 

“Yes I agree, one probably couldn't tell that there's a place like this while the rest of the world looks disastrous,” the younger man said 

As they continued speaking Celestia was wondering who these people were, they didn't belong here as she's never seen them. A specific sentence brought her out of her thoughts ``Humanity really has done a number to this world… Zeus have you seen enough” the younger man said

“We will terminate humanity,” said Zeus 

Celestia let out a big gasp, she couldn't contain it, she couldn't believe what she just heard, Zeus? The gods want to terminate humanity? she thought. Celestia didn't notice that Zeus and the younger guy heard her and were now in front of her until the younger man said something “ Looks like someone overheard the plan” 

Celestia was in shock, she could not manage to say anything. Until the words “Why” escaped her mouth. “Why? It should be obvious that all the wars and destruction going around the world. Humanity has become too selfish, too hungry for power, It is best to terminate all of you since you all don't seem to care about anything but power” said Kratos 

Once again she couldn't say anything, she knew they were right, Humanity had become too selfish, however, she couldn't help but feel like humanity should have a chance to change their ways. As Zeus and Kraros were walking away Celestia blurred out “Wait!” Both of the gods turned around to look at her. “ Wait please, I know that humanity is very wrong for their doings and that they have practically destroyed the world. But maybe give humanity a chance to change their ways. I'm sure that this will be a wake-up call for them and they will change. We will prove to you all that we can change !” 

Zeus and Kratos both just stared, as Zeus was about to speak Kratos jumped in “How dare a mere human say what a god should and shouldn't do! Humanity has become far too selfish there's no saving-” 

“ Hold Kratos, we shall give humanity one chance.” interrupted Zeus

Celestia's eyes brightened up immediately, she thanked them both even though Kratos didn't agree. Zeus had given humanity five days to change, now she had to warn everyone. However it was harder than she anticipated. She decided to grab the liveAD, it is something that is only used in real world emergencies and that can be used to go live and broadcast it all around the world. Finally everything is ready, she takes a deep breath and hits start. “Hello my name is Celestia and I want to tell you all something that is world changing.” Everyone around the world is paying attention  wondering what could possibly happen now. As she was saying what happened everyone just couldn't believe it. Everyone around the world didn't believe her, so much so they stopped paying attention to her. However as she was speaking a bright light suddenly appeared, it was Zeus and Kratos. Celestia was in shock as to why they appeared once again wondering if the gods had changed their mind. “Hello humans, I am Zeus. The reason we appear is to say what is going to happen, you humans have become so greedy for power and so selfish. You all have practically destroyed the entire planet, that's why we have decided that humanity is going to have one last chance to change. If in five days there's no difference in humanities actions, you all will be terminated” People all around gasped, they could not believe what they were hearing. As the gods left everyone started panicking, however Celestia was relieved that maybe humanity will do the right thing. Humans can't help but be terrified of death as it's the only thing a human can't win over. As a result of that, humanity finally decided to do the right thing, presidents all over the world ended the wars, they used the technology to build new housing for the people who lost their homes. Today is the 5th and last day. Today humanity will find out whether they will be terminated or not. The gods ascended from the heavens, they glanced over the entire world. Zeus said “ mm…” now everyone is nervously waiting for the decision. “I am glad that humanity has finally decided to work together. Humanity will continue to live”

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