the chairman's fear | Teen Ink

the chairman's fear

November 16, 2023
By skell-ink BRONZE, Fortcollins, Colorado
skell-ink BRONZE, Fortcollins, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day was old ,I was in discontent  as i had not grown as meny 

Crops as was needed.  My village was atop the hill. We would  see the smoke from other people's fire but  not the people themselves, they were deep in the trees .Most lived to the west  to the east were barren grass hills  that housed  only rabbits and insects. 

 As the sun came a new we saw large flags rise in the east, the banners pertriad stores of men coming then fighting then being killed by a large thin man in a loose cloth. Then bring them in dirt with large vines protruding from the soil. We simply thought that they came to teach us new gods and stories. The leading Chairman waited to welcome them with baskets of glass faces that represent  love in our culture. They traveled twice as fast then most . Soon we see that the banners came from one large man's back that simply stopped at the top of the nearest hill to use and grow large gray vines that dug in, making a dead gray cave where the banners and the larger man stayed. The rest of the normal sized man came to the east entrance. The second the Chairman laid eyes on them he ran with fear into the forest. Then in the strangest and beautiful way they dancesed as they ripped us apart piece by piece they tore and ripped ore peoples limbs and bones to piles. After the massacre they dug up the field and planted their blood and flesh like seeds and soon large red vines encased the fields then they drank from them. I went to the  large man's cave. He was identical to the man on the banners . his cloth was tattered and he spoke  in a kind loving deep voice. “I am sorry your land and people have fallen. It is simpulse you die so we live forever. It's the way it must go.

It's not equal but if we die everything dies. I am the blood prophet and you have seen my blood hored I will offer  you immortality for your bravery my son.”  He handed me a red vine. “ Drink from it for it is bloodroot my son you will not regret this my son.” I in fear and sadness sucked the root and became the chairman's fear.

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