The Cheeseless Mouse | Teen Ink

The Cheeseless Mouse

May 13, 2024
By miahochman BRONZE, Brentwood, Tennessee
miahochman BRONZE, Brentwood, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in the bustling town of Cheeselandia, there lived a mouse named Mabel. She was unlike any other mouse in town, not just because of her glistening white fur and sparkling pink nose, but because Mabel was different, she has a rare diseases an illness that goes against everything she knows. Mabel is lactose intolerant. 

In Cheeselandia, where cheese flowed like rivers and milk was the national beverage, being lactose intolerant was quite challenging. For Mabel, it meant avoiding the cheese festivals and milkshake stands that other mice enjoyed so much. But Mabel was determined not to let her intolerance hold her back, especially when it came to her dreams of winning cheese queen at her upcoming senior prom.

Mabel faces many obstacles in her daily life at Cheeselandia High School. The other mice often tease her for bringing almond milk to lunch instead of the usual cheese platters. But Mabel remains resilient, she puts her focus into her studies and her passion for fashion design.

Despite her lactose intolerance, Mabel found peace in the company of her friends, a group of outcast rodents who accepted her for who she was. The mice may not like her but it never bothered her a chinchilla, a ferret, and a couple of rats is all she will ever need. Together, they worked on creating the most spectacular prom dresses Cheeselandia had ever seen.

As prom night approached, Mabel's excitement grew. She had been nominated for prom queen, even though it may have been as a joke she was determined to win. But on the night of the prom, disaster struck, the mean mice girls dumped out all of her almond milk, leaving Mabel without anything to drink!

Feeling defeated, Mabel retreated to a quiet corner, her dreams of becoming cheese queen slipping away. Suddenly, her best friend Chica the Chinchilla approached her, presenting Mabel with a special concoction she had whipped up a lactose free milkshake made just for her!

With renewed determination, Mabel stepped onto the dance floor, her dairy free milkshake in paw. As the votes were tallied, the tension in the air was thicker than cheddar. The long awaited moment arrived, what felt like it could only be a dream...Mabel was crowned cheese queen, her friends boisterously cheering  from the sidelines.

In that moment, Mabel realized that being lactose intolerant didn't define her  it was just a small part of who she was. And as she danced the night away, surrounded by friends who loved her for exactly who she was, Mabel knew that she could conquer anything life threw her way.

The author's comments:

Hi my name is Mia Hochman I am 18 years old and currently a senior in high school. I have loved writing since I was able to pick up a pencil, it is something I have carried with me throughout my life. I enjoy all types of writing but there is something about writing stories catered to children that really brings me joy. I hope you enjoy my short story about Mabel the lactose-intolerant mouse! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my submission!

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