Beautiful Dreamer | Teen Ink

Beautiful Dreamer

April 2, 2010
By Anonymous

Beautiful Dreamer,
enshroud me in your strands of silken thread. Spin your golden tales, I'll listen, while you paint poetry in my head.Wrap your web about me gentle,and for you I will still,breathe life into my sleeping mind, I thus render all my will. Awake those thoughts and wishes gone, laid aside since childhood,upon my rest, arise, the dawn, for on this distant shore I've stood; alone, on barren wasteland long, such is the world adults inhabit, no sun nor smiles, no joy nor song, but drudge and drear and habit. But, Beautiful Dreamer, I beg, I plead, remove my thoughts from me. Pluck away barnacles and sea weed, and open my nostrils to balmy sea. Remind that child, so long asleep, of the life that it once knew, arouse it from the waters deep, and let it's voice again ring true. Playful melodies do ring, and dance within my ear, I stretch my voice, begin to sing, as I've not done for many a year.
Oh Dreamer, you've stirred my heart inside, I'm alive again at last! Many thanks to my creative guide, for you've rekindled the embers of my past. I too, now dwell in your world of dreams, I too, weave silken thread. I do not miss my past requiem;
I've placed happiness in it's stead.

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