The Fallen.. | Teen Ink

The Fallen..

November 23, 2012
By Roger.Rabbit BRONZE, Hemet, California
Roger.Rabbit BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Date: October 13, 2125

My life may already be coming to an end, these next moments the most terrifying yet peaceful moments of my short life.You see, I am only 17 years old, but my life is already in its final hours.I am truly surprised that I am somehow able to write this.What am I talking about, and how did it happen, two questions you may be asking yourself.Well, the world has changed a lot since you probably last remember.

I am living in a world were perfection is not only achievable, but required.This once flawed world, has now been changed into, at least in my eyes, a truly terrorizing world.Having to live in today's world is what I would call the worst torture imaginable, that is , only if you were born as what they call the 'Fallen'.

You see, the human race is not born into what they consider perfection.A vaccine.I don't know why or how, but it was developed to, basically, control the human mind, causing everyone, at least in their perspective, to be flawless.But, everyone was considered flawless by them, because they could control their every move.They have complete control over the majority of the human race.Although, when this vaccine was first developed, it was only tested on a few select, what I would call, victims.But, seeing as how that mentally changed them, they required the entire human race to get this vaccination.In fact, they began doing this vaccination at birth, the only time everyone is in their purest state of innocence and perfection.

And, well, the Fallen are those few whose DNA did not react to the vaccine, seemed to reject it.They are the ones who are truly being put through the most terror.Although they are constantly in danger, some of them don't seem to worry too much, most likely because it is very rare to see a Fallen...especially in today's world.

How do I know so much about the Fallen you may be wondering.Well, I am one of those lucky, or unlucky, few born with the genetic ability to reject the vaccination.We are the ones who are constantly in danger.Seeming as the rest of the human population is 100% controlled by them.We are the ones who can fully think for ourselves and the only ones who can actually rebel against them.But, we have not chosen to do so, seeing as there are not many of us, we would easily be captured and killed.

And, well, I guess you could say that I am the perfect example for proving that theory correct.I have been captured and will soon take my last breath.I don't exactly know how they will eliminate me from the human race.For this is the only time during my lifetime I have experienced the capture of a Fallen, and, it just so happens to be myself.I honestly am just hoping they do it fast.But, knowing how they are, they will surely make the death of a Fallen slow and as painful as possible.So, I will be prepared for anything that comes my way and I will refuse to show fear or any other form of emotion.For, that is what they want most.By doing this, I will be showing them that I refuse to let them take pride in my death.

They will televise my death.I know because I have been told by an older Fallen who has witnessed the murder of another.I have been told that after the death of a Fallen is aired, it is completely erased from the minds of the majority of the human race, if you could even call them that anymore.They will not and do not remember any of the Fallen that will be and have been murdered.They will erase all thoughts and memories of the murdered Fallen from every one's minds.The only ones who will not be affected by this are the other Fallen.But, I do not understand why they televise the death of a Fallen if they are just going to erase it from every one's minds.Maybe for the pure satisfaction of having this terrible murder be viewed publicly?I don't know.But, either way, I will soon become another one of the forgotten faces of the Fallen.

But, now thinking about it, I honestly don't know why I have spent my whole life, up until the last few months, hiding.Maybe death has always been the best choice, but I was just too afraid to admit it.But, then again, maybe it would have been better just to commit suicide than getting caught by them.Although, right now, I can truly say that I am neither afraid or at peace.

I will probably have to stop my writing within a few hours, but, who knows, it could be days.But, once they start the process of murdering my conscious body, I assume it will probably take at the very least an hour before I am truly dead.And, honestly, I am looking forward to the moment when my chest will rise and fall for the last time.That will be the moment when I will truly be at peace...

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