Ghost Story | Teen Ink

Ghost Story

December 5, 2012
By george dennis BRONZE, Quinns Rocks, Other
george dennis BRONZE, Quinns Rocks, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Ghost Story

There once was a family of 4 little boys and a mum and dad, they owned a pub called the cherry tree. When they bought the pub they didn’t know the horror inside it. In 1978 a woman hung herself in this pub and her ghost still haunts it to this day. One day the youngest boy called George went into his mum and dad’s room when he screamed because he just seen a white lady watching his mum and dad sleep. At that moment his dad turns on the light and says ‘what’s wrong’ George says with a scared look on his face ‘there was a lady right there’.

The next day the family sit round the table to have a talk, Nicole the mum says ‘ok there has been some stuff going on lately, what have u seen?’ Joe the second oldest says ‘ the TV remote keeps going missing but then it turns up on the fan, but I never put it there.’ Charlie the second youngest says ‘whenever I get up in the night to get a glass of water I hear noises coming from my room and when I go back to bed my blanket is in the cupboard.’ Nicole asks have you seen anything Harry? (Harry the oldest) ‘no I am too busy sleeping.’ Paul the dad says ‘George its your turn’ George doesn’t say a word. ‘What’s wrong George?’ says Nicole ‘I don’t want to talk about it’ says George with a sad look on his face, Nicole and Paul look at each other.

Two hours later Nicole went into the attic to see what’s up there but the door to the attic was already open. Nicole goes up the stairs and looked around then she finds George talking to nothing, Nicole walks over to George and says ‘who was you talking to?’ George says ‘no one’ and at that moment a loud bang came from behind her and she grabbed George by the arm and ran out of the attic.

She ran to Paul while crying and she said ‘don’t go into that attic.’ Paul says with a speechless look on his face ‘why, what happened?’ ‘Lets talk in private’ says Nicole. Nicole and Paul walk into their bedroom and lock the door, at that point George saw a white woman walk into the bedroom and then he heard two loud bangs. George ran and started to kick the door until the door fell to the floor. Paul and Nicole were laying on the floor because the ghost killed them both. George sees a white thing at the corner of his eye making its way to Joe’s and Harry’s room. George ran as fast as he could to their room but it was too late, Charlie was still in the house so George ran to his room, he was still alive ‘Charlie’ George says with a scared look on his face but Charlie saw the ghost behind George ‘George look behind you’ says Charlie with a worried look on his face, but it was too late the ghost snapped George’s neck. Charlie ran and jumped out the window and nearly broke both of his legs but Charlie could still walk so Charlie ran for his life. The next day he returns to the pub, there was police everywhere. Charlie looked left and sees someone in a body bag so he runs over and it was George and his face was as white as the colour. He sees his mum and his dad and his other brothers all zipped up in a black bag. Charlie got taken to foster home because no one could look after him, as he went to sleep in the Jacob’s house who adopted Charlie there was a white shadow looking at him and smiling.

The end

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