My life, disapeared | Teen Ink

My life, disapeared

February 13, 2013
By Amber24 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
Amber24 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
Charles Darwin

Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it.

Now I am just going to say this right out, I am a vampire. You know, the blood-craving, light-hating, and pale-as-a-ghost stereotype, but do you really know us or what we went through to get this way? No, you have no idea what I went through to get to my dead undead state. So I am going to tell you my story, and maybe then you will understand.

The day I Turned

First day on my summer break and I was already bored. I needed to get out there in the world. A good idea popped into my brain. Why don’t I go down to Charlie’s Grill, there was always kids from my school there, maybe one of them would be free to hang, don’t want this summer to be like all the rest: boring, sitting in my house doing nothing at all for 2 months.

On the drive down there I started to think about Evan and what he might be doing. He had missed a lot of school and wasn’t talking to me. I doubted that he has the stomach thing that was going around because he rarely gets sick. I was thinking that I should check on him sometime.

While thinking about Evan, I accidentally started driving to his house instead of going to Charlie’s Grill like I was supposed to be. Maybe I knew that if I didn't go to his house then I would have procrastinate for a week or two and still not be happy about going.

Then I pulled up to his ranch-style-added-a-floor house. It looked the same as it did the last time I was over a month ago, black shutters, faded red brick, and a slight blue siding that at first I thought it was as ugly as could be but then it was growing on me.

I walked in to the house and like usual no one seemed to have live here for years but don’t let the trash and faded furniture fool you, they were around here some were. I only cared about Evan so I decided not to go looking for the low life wrongly chosen adults assigned as his parents.

I found him in his blue-painted-medium-sized bedroom with the drapes pull all the way shut to make the room look like you were in the shade of a tree. Evan was laying in his queen bed staring out into space, and appeared to not even know i was there, but then he said “why are you here?”

The breaking of the silence startled me. “I want to know why you have not been talking to me and have missing a bunch of school?”

I thought he would use the excuse of “oh I had the stomach bug thats going around.” Instead he said in a frustrated voice “because I have been busy.”

Busy huh, well that just sounded suspicious. Anyway he still said a excuse just not the one I thought he would use. I still was not buying that he was busy for almost a month straight. What would he be doing that kept him that busy? “Busy? With what?” is all i had to say.

Evan took a deep breath like he was going to tell me something I did not know but then I guess he changed his mind because he said this instead “Leave” with no trace of life in his voice.

He had a very stern facial expression and it was clear he was serious but I still had to ask “you must be kidding?”

Then he was right in front of me breathing very fast. He had this wired look on his face, I can’t explain it, it was like a mixed of anger and wanting, but wanting is what I don’t understand. Before I could really read his face he said “get out!”

Now I no it is his house and I should do as he wishes but of course my stubbornness told me to stay exactly where I was because something was up and I’m not goin’ to leave until I know what. So I did exactly that and oh man you should have seen the emotions on his face! He was pleased, depressed, and terrified all at the same time.

Then before I knew what was happening he jerked my neck to the side and had his fang I must have missed dug into my skin. I felt so many things all at once, there was only a pinch of fear and this over powering calm cloud that come over me. It was like I really wanted it but knew I shouldn't. Then darkness filled the sides of my eyes until I was out cold.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Then I woke up and my head felt like a ton of bricks and it was hard to think. It was like there was this foggy cloud surrounding my brain and I could tell it was holding on tight.

After my head clear just enough I could see that I was in the basement of a abandoned house, we as kids thought was haunted and scared to death of and still dare each other to go in. In this dingy, foul smelling basement Evan was standing at the edge of the shadows with the most grim facial expression almost hidden by the bad lighting.

When he noticed that I was up his face showed more self anger and sadness then before , which I thought was not possible. Then he said something I was so not expecting “I’m sorry, but I told you to get out.”

The author's comments:
I would like to make it longer then just 3 pages, I have more to say.

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