Zane grey draft 1 | Teen Ink

Zane grey draft 1

May 23, 2013
By darkstar12c BRONZE, Bayport, New York
darkstar12c BRONZE, Bayport, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Zane Grey

Straightforward that’s just how Zane liked it, normally he didn’t take small jobs but thing have been slow in fortune city. Crooks hide try and hide here all the time, they think the frontier town safe places for wanted men. People like Zane are hired to catch these criminals for a price. This unfortunate sucker thought he could rob the trans galactic shipping company and get away with it. Zane loaded a few plasma rounds into his revolver and began the walk to the saloon, Zane had been in town enough times for people to know to get out of his way Zane’s 7 foot figure helps in that regard. Inside the saloon the desperado could be hear yellin ‘’ they aint never goanna get me, im too fast ‘’ Zane pointed his gun at the back of bandits head and said “not fast enough’’.

The bounty office was a rundown building on the east side of town ran by an even more rundown automaton named Hedge, after its usual scan it began its metallic greeting ‘’ welcome ZANE BULREGARD how may I be of assistance today”. Zane let out an annoyed sigh “ rounded up the bandit who robbed the hover rail over yonder hill” ‘’excellent “ beamed the machine “depositing payout of 2,000 credits. Have a good day”. As Zane was leaving the bounty office he heard the distinct ‘’ hey mister in the background and began to quicken his pace, every time he heard “hey mister wait up” he went a little faster until finally he turned around to see Billy a young yuron no older then 7. Yurons were found just about everywhere, they were one of the six races that found the galactic union. Most were employed as governors, military officers, doctors, and merchants. ”Hey mister you round up them bad guys,” squawks Billy, Zane sighed got down on one knee and asked “kid you realize this is the bad part of town right” ‘’I know” replied Billy “then what are you doing here”. Billy was a nice kid, but Zane was starting to get frustrated.” I want to see you bring the bad guys to justice” Zane let out a grunt and said “boy I aint no hero now run home before its gets dark” with that Billy was out of Zane’s hair for now anyway.

Nestled a few miles south of fortune city lies the mansion of Marshal Calvin, who would normally be resting peacefully at this hour but not tonight. At exactly 12:03 the marshal received a Datapad stating that general Samuel grey would be passing through fortune city Investingating claims of geneocide. The news did not sit well with the Marshal at all; “thousands of frontier towns and goes through mine” Calvin thought to himself “if that grey haired fool enters the city ill be court marshaled before sundown’’ Calvin was going to ensure the general did not make it to fortune city. Marshal Calvin was originally tasked with bringing order to fortune city and it took quite and investment to hire all the outlaws and mercenaries, but he did it and the marshals lived in luxury ever since. Eventually the miners and merchants got used to it, they were left alone so long as they paid at the end of the month. Calvin sat down in his chair and struck a match for his pipe ”the ebrenards are too stupid for a delicate task like this, maybe …. No a croconisk would raise too much suspicion, it needs to be a terren” the marshal let out a large puff of smoke and walked toward his desk” and I know exactly who to hire”.

No matter what is going on or what time it is the saloon and its owner, a srill named Cyrus are always busy. When Zane walked in he heard the familiar shrieks and clacking sounds from the back of the bar “so the lone ranger returns” Zane smiled at this “how’s business you overgrown crayfish ‘’
“The roofs collapsing, the patrons are violent and unwashed, there are wild animal around back.”

“Life on the frontier”

‘’Indeed” Cyrus replied, Zane took a long gulp of a green colored liquor and set his glass down on the counter “how big of a mess did I cause this morning” Zane asked ”none once you left they went back to drinking” Cyrus clacked. Zane was about to reply when he was approached by a man dressed in black and too clean to live anywhere near hear “Zane Bulregard “ the stranger asked “who’s askin” Zane replied. The stranger handed Zane a data pad and spoke “a very wealthy client” them left the saloon. Zane scratches his head and reads the message

I am Marshal Calvin C Grant; I would like to hire you for a job that requires the utmost discression. The target is highly guarded, armed, and well trained in close quarters combat but a bounty hunter with your reputation should have no problems. If you wish to take on this bounty present this data pad at the front gate of my mansion 5 miles south of fortune city.

Zane sighed this bounty-oozed suspicion but he was in a fiscal bind, on the surface this Marshal’s bounty was legitimate however Zane couldn’t shake the sense something was wrong.

The next morning Zane road out to see this Marshal Calvin, his ‘mansion’ was a mix of a military installation and a plantation this placed screamed paranoid. Zane showed the data pad to the door guard and went into the mansion, their waiting for him was the Marshal himself “so this is the famous Zane Grey the stories don’t do you justice” Zane let out a grunting sound and allowed the marshal to continue speaking “perhaps we could discuss this matters in the privacy of my study’’ Zane nodded and they made their way to the east wing of the mansion “this wont be cheap you know, im sticking my neck out more then I should” Calvin took a draw from his cigar “so long as the general is dead before the end of the month you don’t have to worry” Zane looked at Calvin suspiciously “what happens at the end of the month” “lets just say my investments are in jeopardy “.Zane went over all the details in his mind this general posed signifingant threat to the marshal question is how much is the marshal willing to pay “ 600,000 credits 300,000 now and the other 300,000 when I get back “done replied Calvin treating it like a non
“do we have an agreement Mr.Bulreguard” “marshal you got your self a deal”

Bright and early Zane hoped on the first train going to Subtevel 6, trains closer to the core worlds were luxurious with their dinning cars, billard cars, restrooms and leg room, Zane on the other hand was cramped in with 30 other people in a metal box with a semi functioning carbon recycler. Subtevel 6 was a wasteland formed from layers of scrap metal and rusted ship parts. The only thing that made the planet worth any effort was prospecting and the 2 space hubs one goin to delta IV and the other linking the frontier to the union. Stepping off the ship Zane grab a vomit box(TM) for support ,once his senses returned to normal he made his way to customs. Zane approched a bored looking Yuron at the customs desk “name” the Yuron stated in an apathic tone “Zane Bulregard” “reason for visit” “prospecting” which was common enough not to raise suspsion

The morning started out like any other for the general coffee with breakfast followed by morning drills but something seemed off and he just couldn`t shake it like someone was watching him. Zane was getting tired of sneaking around it wasn’t how he normally did his job and being stuck in his hiding hole was getting boring “I shoot all sorts of people bandits ,murders, hijackers what makes this guy any diffirent ” Zane scratched his chin and kept thinking.It was dusk when Zane made his move the plan was simple ‘borrow’ a uniform walk into the generals tent shoot him while he’s asleep and get out before dawn, however the one thing he did not expect was the genreal to be waiting for him “howdy”. When samuel saw the look on the assasin he almost laughed almost.”s***” was all that zane was thinking,”be smart for once and put the gun away’’ Zane holsdtered his gun and steped into the tent.”howed you know I was coming”? “Ive been in the army for a long time and thats a poor hiding hole”.Zane thought about it Samuel raised his eyebrow and took a good look that his would be killer 7 feet tall same as him at that age , ice blue eyes, a thick handle bar mustache ,and a mangled mess of dark blue hair’ thats the same hair color as lydia’ ‘could he be ’samuel shoock the thought from his head.’theres something awefully similar about this guy’ zane noted looking at the genreal 7 ½, handle bar mustache, ice blue eyes ‘thats unusal’ Zane snaped back to reality as the genral started speaking “what in gods name made you think you could walk into a Union camp and try to kill someone’’ “ money for one that marshal made an offer i couldn’t refuse’’ Samuel just stared at the man ’Calvin, why am I not supprised’ “listen I know you were probaly offered quite a sum for my head, but hel’l shoot you in the head when you go to collect” ‘’ all right old man you got something up your sleeves so what is it’’ “whys someone with your talent waisting his time on the border planets’’ He got that question alot Zane reflected every time someone new came to fortune city “delta 5’s been my home since is was a kid my mother took me there after my dad left her” Samuel stood there for a moment taking in all that was said, thinking it over for a second or two and finally said “ see that tent at the end of the southline you’ll be staying there until I figure out what to do with you, try and leave camp and we’ll shoot you” as Zane turned to leave Samuel spoke again “by the way whats your name son’’ “Zane Grey sir” and with that zane left. After revelry Samuel requisitoned all information on Zane grey which as it turns out wasn’t much “born on union central, moved to frontier at age of 6 with his mother Lydia Bulreguard....oh” taking a quick scan of the tent finidng himself alone Samuel pulled a small tintype from his coat pocket the picture was slighly faded but he could still make out the image ,a proud young man in full dress uniform stands behined a beautilfe women sitting in a velvet chair

---------------------------------- flash back--------------------
‘’Samuel you’ve already given them ten years” Lydia pleaded, samuel acknowleged she had a point very few officers survived 10 years of active combat completely unscathed

/Calvin was pacing in his study “he should have sent something by now a head,a finger, a datapad,something” He went to light another cigar “ alright somethings happened to the mercinary think Calvin” after 5 puffs he sat back down “now what was the name of that of croconisk I hired a while back ... oh yes Red Claw”. Calvin scurried to his telephone room and begain dialing “ Operator switch me to the union central state penitentiary …. 2 hours”
(sigh) “very well” he retived a bottle of northfork brandy ,sat down and begain the long wait

Two hover bikes were prepaired for the trip, rail cars requisitoned ,plenty of food water and ammo were packed. Samuel and Zane resolved to leave quielty in the middle of the night in order to avoid people see them leave.

/A loud thumping sound woke Zane up, he could hear two ebrenards lumbering in his camp, “darn thing probably forgot where it was going’’. Zane vacated his tent to shout “eh what are you doin in my…. “ Zane was surprised to see to a pair of loaded rifles pointed at him “hands uh…’’ the first ebrenard started “up “ finished the second one. Looking around he noticed Samuel wasn’t

The author's comments:
the first draft of my story Zane grey im still trying to fit the pieces together so parts of the story will stop and pick at diffirent points

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