An Unexpected Visit | Teen Ink

An Unexpected Visit

May 28, 2013
By KaylaBreanne16 GOLD, Simpsonville, South Carolina
KaylaBreanne16 GOLD, Simpsonville, South Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Life’s greatest tragedy is not that it will someday end, but that most only live to follow directions, and sometimes, we end up totally lost.” - Alex Gaskarth

A screaming comes across the sky. I look up and see a dark ominous cloud approaching overhead. It’s bigger than any plane I have ever seen before and I start to think maybe it’s not a cloud. One by one people start coming out of the buildings around me and walk to the middle of the street. They’re all gazing up at the massive figure looming above us.

“Aliens,” I hear someone whisper.

“We’re all gonna die,” another one states.

I look up and have a feeling that this thing is not a threat to us. It’s right above us now and I can clearly make out every shape and deicide it is indeed a UFO. It hovers, unmoving for a while and then beams of light begin to pour out of opening I hadn’t noticed before. Everyone is too mesmerized to scream or run.

Black shapes begin to descend from the beams of light, tons of them. The first one reaches the ground and I’m expecting to see a green, movie-like alien. Instead I see a normal human being. Everyone is staring at the man and then he lifts his arms and begins shooting. There’s a ringing in my ears as peoples lifeless bodies fall to the ground. Others start to panic and I turn and run.

I find a dark alley and dash inside to hide. I walk backwards, keeping an eye out for trouble but then I hear a jumble of murmurs that sound like a radio station covered in static.

“What do you what?” I scream as I whip around and come face to face with what I assume to be one of them.

“Our planet back,” the woman says. She pulls the trigger and I fall to the ground.

The author's comments:
aliens, plot twist, appocolypse, UFO, gun, death

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