The Tiny Zoo | Teen Ink

The Tiny Zoo

October 19, 2013
By Anonymous

The Tiny Zoo
In the small town of Wolf Shrine, lived two girls named Mackenzie and Andrea, who went by Andy, and were by far the bestest friends. They were basically sisters. They were both in 8th grade and went to Gomez Middle School. Which was a very fun school; well at least it was for Andy and Mackenzie.
One day at lunch Andy and Mackenzie, were looking at Andy’s huge, gray lunchbox and couldn’t help make fun of it’s awkward shape. It had an arched top with a handle and then a square bottom. Mackenzie took the lunch box and found at the top where it arched , there was a drink pocket and found that Andy’s mom had packed their favorite iced tea ever, Arthur Parker; for them, it was literally heaven in a bottle. As she took it out of the pocket the bottle’s cap became a little loose and a few of the beautiful golden drops trickled it out. Right before their eyes, a mind-boggling thing occured. The little puddle of Arthur Parker, began changing colors right in front of them, and then soon the entire lunchbox started to change as well. It started fizzing and popping and making really strange noises. Mackenzie and Andy looked around to see if anyone was noticing what was happening, but no one seemed to.
“What is going on?” was the only thing Andy managed to whisper to Mackenzie, while both of them looked on in awe.
“I have no idea, but it’s freaking me out. Maybe we should leave,” Mackenzie said while beginning to stand from the table, and looking like she had seen a ghost.
“No! What’s wrong with you? No, we have to stay and see what else happens” said Andy while trying to stifle a laugh at Mackenzie’s face.

Then all of the sudden the lunchbox just stopped changing colors and making noises, but it was now navy blue with pink polka-dots. The girls sat down again and looked around, to see that once again no one noticed anything. They got a little closer and they noticed that they could hear, really softly, animal noises. They heard a dog go woof, a cat go meow, and cow go moo. They could hear every single animal, except one. Mackenzie and Andy had written down every single animal they heard, and found out they couldn’t hear the fox. The girls opened the pocket to see that there was a little zoo in Andy’s lunchbox. They got closer to see what animals they could see, and a mini monkey was at the rim of the pocket waving to them. Mackenzie put her hand out to see if the monkey would climb onto it, and as soon as she did, both girls got sucked into the tiny zoo that was now in Andy’s lunchbox.

They landed in a field of golden dandelions with the monkey, which to them now didn’t look tiny at all. “Welcome to Selena Land,” said the old, adorable monkey in a raspy voice, “My name is Sensei Milo, but you can call me Sensei. Now you are probably wondering why you are here, and how you can return to your home. It’s really simple, find the missing fox and tell me what he sounds like.”
“Wait what? Why us?” asked Andy, who was still in shock that she was talking to a monkey.
“Oh see, we thought we had every animal, but when we showed ourselves to you, you realized that the fox was missing!” said Sensei with a smile, and began showing the girls around.

For days, the girls looked for the fox. As they were walking by the golden dandelions one day, they noticed two bottles of Arthur Parker. They screamed of joy, and immediately began chugging it. When they were almost done, a beautiful, red fox pounced on them. Both girls screamed and pushed the fox off them, and watched as it finished their delicious drinks.

“Woah what do you think you are doing?” said Mackenzie getting kind of mad that the fox had stole her drink.

The fox looked at her like she was crazy and Andy said, “What you can’t talk? The cat got your tongue?”

When Andy said this, she and Mackenzie started laughing so hard that the fox probably did really start to think they were mental. The girls finally stopped and decided that the fox wasn’t going to say anything. They began walking away, to go tell Sensei what had happened, but the fox spoke up.
“Given up on me already? Seems a little unfair doesn’t it?” said the very frillish fox, “That funny old monkey didn’t realize that I’ve been here all along.”

“Well if you don’t mind, we kind of want go home so we need to tell him we found you, but first we need to know what your sound is,” said Mackenzie trying so hard not to laugh at the fox’s funny voice.

“ Fine. Tell him that my sound is ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding and occasionally wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow. I only use that one when I’m feeling like a little foxy,” she said laughing at her own joke.

“Okay then,” said Andy feeling a little awkward, “Well if you don’t mind we need to go. So yeah nice meeting you I guess!” The girls went back to Sensei, who thanked them and took them home. They were never able to go back to the tiny zoo, but would always remember Selena Land because the lunch box forever remained blue with pink polka-dots.

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