The Only Way Out! | Teen Ink

The Only Way Out!

April 14, 2014
By Ryan Jackson BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
Ryan Jackson BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Only Way Out!

Bang!! My head rings as I pull the trigger. I hear a thud, Bob Anwill is dead. What have I done, I think to myself? Why did I do this?
I didn’t go to college, so it was hard to find a job but I found a job at one of the local factories. I could support myself but working there, so it was a good job. It was a boring job but a good one. By this time I was 27. I lived in an old farm house west of Longville MN. I liked it out there I was peaceful and quiet.
I asked myself why this would happen to me. Why would they fire me? I worked hard and kept quiet and always worked overtime. Getting fired really set me back in life. After a few months of unemployment the bank came and took my house and my car, the two things I needed the most.
I started isolating myself from everything. My family would call and the bank would always call, I got so fed up with all the calls that I threw my phone into the river. I was alone at last! I seemed to be happier now than I was before. But I couldn’t figure out what to do with my life.
I never really had any friends so that wasn’t a problem. My mind started to wonder off to where I couldn’t control my thoughts. Every night was hell, waking up at 2 a.m. from terrible nightmares. I always dreamed of death and I didn’t know why. I never fell back asleep form those nightmares.
By this time I was living under the dam that separates the river from the dam. It was actually a nice place to sleep. But what would I do when winter rolls in?
I couldn’t control myself. My dreams seemed to come real. Death was all I thought about. It was the only way out!
I wonder around not knowing what to do. I stumble upon my childhood neighborhood. I gaze at an old brick house for hours, not knowing why. It comes to me! That’s the house! The address is 954 Red Road Drive.
Next day I go to the city library and look at the occupants of 954 Red Road Drive. A last known occupant was a 46 year old man by the name of Bob Anwill. I’ve never met this man? I know everyone in town!
February 3rd, 1986. It’s the day! Walking from the dam to Red Road Drive will take me 30 minutes. I reach the neighborhood by 2p.m. The sun is shining bright and I see it! 954 Red Road Drive.
I approach the house with great caution. The front door is unlocked as I enter. It’s an out dated 1970’s home and I walk around to check things out but this time I’m second guessing my choice. He sees me, now I have no choice!!
I raise my gun and Bob gets up out of his chair and stands there, like he knew! The time has come. Once Bob falls to the ground and his body lies there lifelessly, I know he’s dead.
Then raise the gun to my head, stop for a moment and think to myself, it is the only way out. I slowly start to pull the trigger and then finally it will be all over, no more nightmares and wondering on and on what’s next in my life. Bang!!!

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