The Chosen One | Teen Ink

The Chosen One

April 17, 2014
By AP_2017 BRONZE, Faribalt, Minnesota
AP_2017 BRONZE, Faribalt, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Iris stands on a cliff peering over her now fallen city. Homes burned and the smell of dead bodies over powering her senses. As she looks down into the river she sees a very familiar bright pink dress. “Theia.” she whispers. Iris leaps over the edge landing on her feet by the river bank. She pulls her sisters cold dead body on shore as she cradles her body. “Oh, what have they done to you?” she brushes her sisters long blonde hair from her face. John comes out from the dark forest and sees the terribly sad scene in front of him. “Who’s there?” Iris says as sternly as possible without chocking on her tears. John shocked that she even heard him speaks softly, “I heard a noise and thought I’d check for survivors of Clio’s attack.” Iris picks her sisters body up walking closer to John with her head hung to hide her tears. “There is nothing left.” She walks past him just barely brushing his shoulder. She started digging a large hole and put her body into the hole and just let the tears fall for the first time in forever. John couldn’t do anything but stand behind her in silence. This was where their journey together began.

After months had passed spending time together they both begin to get comfortable opening up to each other and letting each other expose the parts of them no one knew or dared to understand. John and Iris walk through the forestry looking for food they both spot a large Deer. They both look at each other and smirk. “This one is mine.” John says, “May the best man eat!” Iris says running toward it with incredible speed. The deer darts away fearing that this will be the end of its days. Once close to it Iris slows to a walking speed. Iris sways side to side as the deer follows her movements. John sits back to watch, he had never seen such an amazing thing before. Iris steps toward the deer knowing she has complete control, she wraps her arms around its strong neck. John watches as the life is sucked out of the deer’s eyes. She steps back and looks almost saddened. “What’s wrong?” he asks. “I just wish my powers were to help not to end things lives.” She pauses, “Well let’s eat!” she says now smiling at him. They sit down watching the meet cook over the fire as nightfall approaches. “So does everything die when you touch it?” John asks with a grumble of his stomach. “Almost, my mother always told me it was a curse so I never touched anything in the house or the people in town.” She laughs thinking back on her childhood. “Well nothing can kill me!” he says puffing out his chest in egotism, she just shakes her head. “How about you touch me once and see what happens?” he says excitedly, “Are you nuts?!” she says annoyed that he would even suggest such a thing. “Fine then scaredy cat!” he smirks. She lays her hand on his shoulder and watches as burn slightly, “Wow! Nothing has ever done that to me!” he says examining his new wound, she looks at him very confused and shakes her head as she watches him go on and on about how crazy cool it was. “What a nut.” She thinks to herself.

Later that week they are calmly walking on the edge of a lake as Clio’s army attacks. Iris curls into a ball now afraid to fight “I never knew this day would come or I would have prepared for it!” Iris screams as John grabs her by the arm and urges her to run. “Well you can’t hide forever! You were given this power for a reason! What if it was to end this?!” Iris thinks to herself and stops running. To her everything goes black she turns and a bright blue light burst from her body; John ducks at the light surrounds the whole area. A few minutes later Iris is on her hands and knees panting for breath as she panics. “What just happened?” she asks herself as she feels Johns hand on her shoulder, “ Are you okay?” he asks, things are still muffled for her so she doesn’t answer. The ground blood stained bodies all of the ground, the sky now dark and dreary. Iris stands up and walks away from the scene. “This was a bad idea... I never should have gone through with it.” She herself never knew what she was capable of.

Iris chose not to talk about what had happened days before. “They just keep getting stronger.” She thinks to herself. John taps her shoulder thinking she was daydreaming. “You in there?” he says laughing and sitting down in front of her. “I wonder if she can deal with this on her own. If I hadn’t ducked I may not be here right now.” He thinks still amazed by what he had seen. She just nods and smiles softly. “I’m scared.” She says looking down. “I don’t remember what happened yesterday. I don’t know what I did… All I know is that I wanted to hurt everything and anything. It wasn’t me at all.” John just sits knowing that no matter what he says he can’t help. “I don’t know, it was one of the most ominous thing I’ve seen.” “Well thanks for the help.” She replies bothered by what he said. “Were you scared?” she then asks almost too quiet to hear. “No.” he says bluntly. She sighs. “I’m hungry. Want to find something to eat?” John nods and they both get up walking into the woods.

Later that week they both walk along the sand of the lake. When there is a sudden attack this time Clio is present and ready to take Iris’s powers for her own. “You really believe that I wasn’t going to come for you?” Clio throws her hand in their direction sending out a blast from her hand to the ground in front of Iris and John disintegrating the ground and sending them both flying backwards. Clio stands over Iris laughing, John gets up and spheres her to the ground only for Clio to send another blast at John directly, he glides along the ground creating a deep path in the ground. Iris meanwhile, gets up running away not ready to use her powers to end this war. As she hides Clio taunts her, “You know your little garbage of a city had to be my favorite, their screams of terror so loud and blood curdling.” She laughs Iris starts to feel her blood boil with anger. “Oh and your mother. Ha! The way she begged me not to cause any harm to your sis-“She didn’t have time to finish her sentence as Iris had heard enough. Iris glowing blue comes out from where she was hiding and sent a huge ray of light straight through Clio’s chest. “I have heard enough.” He says breathing heavily with anger. Iris draws her hand up and throws it in the opposite direction causing Clio’s body to do the same slamming into the ground. Clio attempts to fight back and fails. As Iris stands over her with the thought of Clio’s slow painful death seeming like a beautiful dream, she stops. As a tear falls from her eye she looks down at her “I bet this is how my sister felt in her last moments…” she thinks to herself. She grabs Clio by her neck, “I don’t ever want to see you or your vermin here again. If I do.” She says sternly her words filled with hatred as she pulls her close “I will kill you.” She whispers to her softly and bitterly as she releases her. Clio and her army vanish in thin air never to be seen again. “You were given this power for a reason! Maybe it was to stop this war?” She hears John words repeatedly liking the sound of them as she had done just as he predicted. The war was over, now it was time for the both of them to start over and not live in fear. For the only thing to be afraid of is fear its self.

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