Wolf Bite | Teen Ink

Wolf Bite

May 20, 2014
By Wolvesbayne BRONZE, Perth, Other
Wolvesbayne BRONZE, Perth, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all that there is - Albert Einstien

The bone chilling howl cut through the dark starry night. “Are there wolves here in Ballajura?” asked Jasmine. “There must be” said her mum, as they were driving to their new house. “Why do we have to move anyway?” asked Jasmine out of curiosity, “because we can’t afford our house in Toronto” said her mum. As they arrived at their new house Jasmine and her younger sister Mille both started arguing on which room they wanted. “Lights out” said Jasmine’s mum “but muuuum” said Jasmine. “No but’s you have to register for your first day of school tomorrow” said mum.

That night something extremely strange happened, it started when Jasmine could smell the damp musty air and then she thought she could hear heavy panting coming from the back corner of her room. In a moment of panic she quickly jumped up and let out a startling scream for before her own eyes stood a large wolf standing on its hind legs. Strangely it had blood red eyes and a set of vicious looking fangs. Just as the wolf leapt at her, she woke up.

Mum was laying her clothes on her bed for school. “Come-on honey, it’s time for school”. “Ok mum” said Jasmine enthusiastically as she hopped into the shower and then slipped on her school clothes. “I left some toast for you on the table” said her mum.

As soon as Jasmine walked through the school gates, a load of people surrounded her, mainly boys since she was absolutely beautiful. She had dazzling blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, she had supple white skin with a few freckles on each cheek. Just in the corner of her eye through the roaring crowd she saw a horrible sight. She jumped as she had seen the vicious wolf from her nightmare last night. After she blinked the wolf was gone, instead there was a boy that looked about her age. He had brown boofy hair and dreamy brown eyes with tanned skin. The boy smiled revealing perfect white teeth; later on that day Jasmine was in the reception checking of the classes that she wanted to join. “English check, Math check, Sport check and music check” said Jasmine as she handed the form book back to the lady. As she was about to walk home she saw that strange boy outside. “Hi my name is Demetriax” said the boy nervously. “Hi Demetriax I’m Jasmine” blushed Jasmine. “Umm I was wondering if you are not too busy if you wanted to hang out sometime” said Demetriax nervously. “Yea sure, where do you want to go” said Jasmine excitedly. “How about the movies” suggested Demetriax. “Awesome, what movie and what time” said Jasmine. “How about Wolf Bite at 7pm Saturday?” said Demetriax. “Ok sure” “see you then” said Jasmine.

That night she told her mum all about Demetriax “he is absolutely wonderful” sighed Jasmine. “So when is this little date of yours?” asked her mum. “ IT’S NOT A DATE!” exclaimed Jasmine “ were just hanging out”. “Ok” said her mum “ be home before 11:30”. Mum it’s not till tomorrow hahaha laughed Jasmine in excitement. “Come on lets have dinner mum”, “ fine then” said her mum. The next day Jasmine was rushing around her house trying to find the right clothes “mum where are my skinny jeans?”. “Check the laundry honey” said her mum. Two hours later she ran into her mum’s room “how do I look” said Jasmine dressed in her long blue skinny jeans and wearing a pink top with a red cotton hooded jacket”. “Absolutely beautiful” said her mum “ so am I driving you both or are you both walking?”. “We will walk” said Jasmine.

As it was time for the movie Jasmine saw Demetriax waiting outside. He was dressed in long baggy pants and a tank top. “Wow check out those muscles” said Jasmines mum. “Muummmm really” said Jasmine. “Sorry sweetie” said her mum “you two be careful”. “Ok mum I promise we will” said Jasmine as she walked down the steps to Demetriax. “hey” said Demetriax “hi said Jasmine. “ We are late” said Jasmine. “ I know, let’s cut through this alleyway” said Demetriax “come on we are almost there”.

Just as they reached the end of the alleyway 4 teenagers jumped out “look what we have here” said one of the boys “check out this chick” said another as he threw her to the ground. “Leave her alone” said Demetriax “why should I” said one of the boys as he threw Demetriax at a wall. All of a sudden Demetriax started laughing “hahaha now you’re going to die” laughed Demetriax. His eyes turned blood red and his teeth began to grow until they became like daggers, he started sprouting fur all over his body and his nose pushed out until it became like a snout. Before the 4 teenagers eyes, stood a large brown wolf standing on its hind legs “W-W-Werewolf” screamed Jasmine. Demetriax pounced at the first teenager and slammed him into a wall and took a bite out of the poor boys neck. The next two jumped at him but Demetriax slashed their chests with his razor sharp claws, the last one tried to run so Demetriax squished him up against the wall with a dumpster.

In a moment of blood lust Demetriax bit Jasmines arm “AARRGGH” groaned Jasmine “stop it Demetriax”. All of a sudden Demetriax changed back “Jasmine I’m so sorry I had blood lust” said Demetriax. ‘Stay away from me you freak!!” said Jasmine. “I know I’m sorry but I have to purify your blood by sacrificing myself to my God Doruknukt” explained Demetriax. “I don’t want you to die I want to be with you forever, I love you Demetriax” said Jasmine. “I love you too Jasmine” said Demetriax.

That night Demetriax took Jasmine home “are you sure you want to run away with me” said Demetriax. “Yes” exclaimed Jasmine as she walked up the steps and into her house and kissed her sleeping family goodnight and good luck for the rest of their mortal lives. That night there were two wolves howling on Red Fang hill, one with a vicious brown coat and the other a magnificent blonde.
Darkness breaks, Moon awakes, Night now brings the stars it makes.

Moon beams fall, lights up all, from silvery woods there comes a call.
Grayish blur, Shaggy fur, Food is the night creatures lure.
Brown dear, Very near, It is brought down full of fear.
Deadly bite, Very tight, Every wolf will feast tonight.
- Yvonne Yvetts

The author's comments:
I have always had a fascination with wolves in every way and this story was something that i thought of while i was daydreaming in class

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