Prelude to the Imperial Massacre of Leniosis | Teen Ink

Prelude to the Imperial Massacre of Leniosis

April 25, 2014
By Samp122 BRONZE, Power, Montana
Samp122 BRONZE, Power, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bridge of Terra's Vengence was silent, lest for various beeps and boops of navigation and systems computers. Legate Lyons stood alone, his towering body high above the computers and electronic devices. He stared out the tall, reinforced windows, down below towards the planet of Leniosis. He rubbed his upper lip back and forth, pondering the battle to come. He stood fully adorned in power-armor, his sword and pistol on his thighs.
He pondered on what was to come; bloodshed and death, surely would engulf the coming weeks and months. Leniosis was once a proud Imperial city, but now had fallen to the corruption and evil of chaos and rebellion. Many upon the planet were still innocent, though Lyons knew the seeds of rebellion were instilled in all. He watched as the frigates, battleships, and cruisers slowly moved passed Terra's Vengence, moving into position for pre-landing Orbital Bombardment. It was a shameful act, but one he and the Empire deemed necessary to ensure victory. Slaughtering not only those who would betray the Emperor, but also innocent women and children. He hated it, but he knew it was his duty and so he would carry it out.
He only awaited a few more ships moving into position, before he would utter the worlds into the com; "...begin bombardment....". Simply thinking of saying those words made him shiver, the thought of unleashing the might of a fleet upon millions of helpless souls almost scared him to the bone.
"Fleet, standby for orders," he turned his mic on and said, his voice echoing through the coms and empty bridge. He waited several moments. "Sitrep, all battle groups."
"Battle group Pheonix, standing by,"
"Battle-group Omega, standing by,"
"Battle-group Luna, standing by,"
"Battle-group Trarii, standing by,"
"Battle-group Jade, standing by,"

The legate sighed. It was time, time to begin the slaughter. To again, open the gates of war and enter charging in. An ugodly, ugly task but one that was necessary. He sighed again, uttering "And so it begins."

The author's comments:
This is just a small piece from the novel I am writing that I used for an English assignment.

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