Zelium | Teen Ink


June 9, 2014
By Anonymous

After years of practice in the legendary forges left behind by the gods, Celix finally mastered his craft. He was able to form steel into any shape, not sacrificing any durability. Producing most of the military’s swords and armour, he gained fame. Eventually apprentices from all around came to his forge to view him in his work. The formerly godlike forges were then remembered for Celix, not the gods which had actually made the forge and crafted vast weapons from it. With his name engraved on every blade produced. He became legend, from all places people began to crave the superior weaponry that Celix produced.

Celix’s weapons never failed. Only the men failed who wielded them. He began to further his knowledge in constructing, what was advanced machinery at the time. He even wrote down designs on siege weapons using his fine steel.
But, one night he was visited by a being, a being that gave him a gift, when Celix awoke he saw a symbol on his hand, which matched one of the symbols on the forge itself. Whenever Celix worked with steel it would turn a cobalt blue colour and it would get very shiny. Astonished by this new strange metal he put it to the test; the metal seemed stronger than his previous steel weapons. He began to get angry with the new metal, not knowing whether or not it was better. In his anger he struck the ground with the tip of the blade and the grass formed to fire around him.
After his discovery of the properties of the metal he presented it to Jethro, astonished by the story Jethro requested that these swords would be made from now on. Celix named them the “Weapons of Emotion” because due to your emotion while using them, the effects would be different.

The author's comments:
Its just the begining

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