StormFall | Teen Ink


November 9, 2014
By Anonymous

“It’s the year of 2354, the ‘special’ year” I say to myself.

     The urge for me to dash out of the room is consuming me. I’m waiting for my chance to be admitted into the L-squad, an elite team of teens who will fight. As a person with “common sense”, which clearly is not very common these days, I don’t want to kill myself. But, having a veteran father isn’t always the best thing. I wait for the suspense to fly by, but as I urge myself to believe this, I can only feel time slowing down. I wait and wait until I hear a thump.The door opens and I see the arclord, he yells and breaks the “awkward” silence that was previously in the room.”Listen up yall fools, I ain’t no nice babysitter and I expect you to be no whiners if y’all don't make it into my squad understood ?”

     “Sir yes Sir!!” mostly everyone replies.

    The arclord grunts out a list of names “James Newton, Falkon Burg, Thornton Travis, Tristan Fox, Sebastian Danny, and ...“

    I don’t hear my name yet and I’m waiting for him to finish ”and lastly, Frank Namicorn. Report to base 5-30 sector L6412 at 0600 tomorrow understood?”

     “Sir yes Sir!!” we all say.

    I’m looking at the ground. I don’t know what I should be feeling. Happy, excited, mad?i’ve just been accepted into an elite squad where I could potentially kill myself for the “good” of the country. I look at the time, 5:30.I stare at the arclord as he walks out of the room. “I can’t wait until tomorrow” I say sarcastically to myself.

    The next day at 0530:

    I pack up my battle pack and take my metroid card.During the vast amount of time I take to walk down to the shuttle, I think to myself.”What will we do there?Am I going to have any ‘fun’ there?” These types of questions keep me occupied when I walk down.VOOSH!!I hear the shuttle park and open the doors.I rush to the shuttle and get on.The shuttle takes me to my stop and I jump down, only to be blinded by the light.

    The sector base is straight ahead and I notice how bright the light is and I check my watch 0548. Almost time, I think to myself.I rush into the sector to see the rest of the squad waiting, in a perfect line.I join as I see the arclord walking down the hall.He comes and returns to his “favorite” activity, to yell at us.”Listen up, this is no little league no more. This is the real world. Today I will evaluate y’all and training will begin tomorrow. Understood?”

    We all reply with a monotone attitude”Understood.”

    The arclord leads us to a room where there are a bunch of robot dummies.He demands us to do a few exercises for a while.we finish at 1800. 12 whole hours of “fun” exercises.The entire squad is literally dead.The arclord leads us into a large empty room.He divides us into 2 teams.Each team has a different color jumpsuit.I’m assigned to red team to oppose blue team.We pick up the blasters from our pockets and he yells”This is the last job to do on the agenda today.Most day’s will be like this.In this exercise, each team will attempt defeat the other.The guns in each of your pockets are not harmful.They react to the suit and will paralize the target that is hit immediatly.The last man who is not hit’s team is the winner.Simple.The losing team has to clean the floors.”

    We enter the arena.I look at my 2 teammates.They are ready. We rush towards the middle and all get shot within the time passing between turn on a light and off .Game over. “What the heck man? Why would you do that?”We blame each other for our losses.

    We clean the floor and go to bed.I think to myself  in  bed“If I lose everyday, what will the arclord think of  me?”I try to go to sleep but I can’t, not with all these thoughts in my mind.I notice we have to wake up at 0530 and I feel horrible.I can’t sleep and I have to experience this everyday.

    The next day at 0520

    I hear my alarm clock go off.I drag myself out of my bed after my sleepless night.I notice that my alarm clock had woken up everyone else.I attempt to escape their presence as soon as possible.I see the arclord with his rifle firing at the target.I notice he was wearing a short sleeve and saw that his arm was burnt.I pretended to not see it but clearly he noticed and put on a shirt.

   We did our training again today.Not much fun and lost.How am I gonna survive this?

    1 and a half years later

    I woke up as I usually did and went to the training room.I saw the arclord sitting there.He just sat staring at a rifle.He stood up and told me”Tell yall friends no training today.Meet me in the debreifing room at 0900. Got it?”

   “Ok sir”I grimly replied.
    I went into the sleeping room and told everyone the news.They were happy and so was I.We could all sleep an extra 2 hours.

    2 hours later

    We all reported to the room.He was sitting in his superior seat.”We gonna have a mission.”

    We all were excited and listened.”The infamous X-squad thinks its fun to shoot us in our safe zone.the plan is simple.Destroy them.I’ll take a destrox league level 1 to take you guys there.Yall have a morphing vehicle.A helicopter, a motorcycle, and a titan.We’ll leave in 6 days.The multi-use vehicles are in the arena.Train with them, especially the titan and each of you can choose 3 guns from the resupply understood?”

    “Sir yes sir”We all eagerly replied.

    “Dismissed”He announced.

    We all dashed to the resupply to choose our guns.I saw an assault rifle, and I took it.I saw a battle pistol, I took it.I saw a sniper rifle and saw a laser beamer. Falkon Burg quickly took the laser beamer, leaving me the sniper rifle.

   I first went to the shooting range.I tested my guns and then began to target practice.

    3 days later

    I notice I was the only one who wasn’t taken the multi-use vehicle yet.So I took mine and began to train.Only 3 more days.

    3 days later

    At sharply 0400, we all springed outta bed.We grabbed our weapons and got in our vehicles and loaded into the destrox league level 1 and transformed into a helicopter so we didn’t have to let that huge destrox land.The flight was quick.We took off and saw a few patrol guards.We let the destrox gun them down and saw it fly away.I headed to the ground and morphed into titan mode.I bashed into the cover and took out my titan rifle and took out the guards.The rest of my squad noticed me and copied me.”Nice work!!”Thornton said.

    I leaded the crew into the pickup zone.I noticed the pickup zone moving up and down to the top and disappearing.I formulated an ingenious plan.
    “Hey, I gotta plan”I whispered to my crew”We transform into heli’s and follow the pickup line so they don’t expect us okay?”

    “Okay.Good plan”  they all responded.

    “On my count understood?”


   “3,2,1 go go go go!!”

   We all rushed out and flew up the pick-up line and gunned down the unsuspecting troops.We noticed the next path was too small for our machines so we parked them outside and rushed in.

    I took out my sniper rifle and took aim.I saw tristan take out his heavy machine gun and gunned down the entire front row.We rushed out and took our places in a breach, like we had practiced everyday.I drew my assault rifle and did a perimeter scan.I saw the power core right there.I was going to run out and shoot it down but saw a force reflector.Suddenly,  sebastian ran down with a shotgun ready to fire only to explode an explosive.The team was blown away and most died.I could feel the hard glass was behind me.The shards of glass behind me gave me a minor blood leak.I saw the deflector was down and used my pistol and fired.I blacked out the next second.

    1 week later

    I woke up in a hospital.The walls seemed familiar.I saw the arclord chuckling.”ya did it”

   I noticed no one else in the room and I suspected they died.I walked down to the viewing bay and saw their entire island was gone.

    “I’m promoting you to G-squad for your excellence.”

    “Oh great”, my mind said to me.

The author's comments:

Every littleboys loves ot makeup war scences.Admit it

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