New Superhero | Teen Ink

New Superhero

January 14, 2015
By jordan-killshot BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
jordan-killshot BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was like any other day for Kevin, a research scientist. He was working on making a serum that the governor requested that would make you invincible to burning. After about an hour, he finally had finished the serum but didn't have an assistant to test the serum on. What better test subject to test this on than me? he thought
So he drank the serum. Only one way to find out if it worked, he told himself. Kevin took a lighter and placed it over his hand. " OUCH!" he screamed and threw the lighter on the ground.  Well I guess it didn't work. he fumed
Frustrated he put his hands over his face; they were burning hot. He noticed they had a reddish glow to them.
"What the heck?" he thought to himself. He decided to ignore it, hoping it would go away.
Later that night when Kevin was home, he noticed his hands still had that glow to them and were now starting to burn things. When he lifted one of his arms up, he shot fire out of his hand and lit the wall on fire. "OH CRAP," he panicked.
He ran to the bathroom to get some water to put out the fire. Kevin was amazed at his new ability and wanted to find out more about it. He went out the next day to try to mess with his new ability. He saw a rock nearby and tried to shoot it. Sure enough, a blast of fire shot out of his hand. Maybe I can put this power to good use, he thought. So he went into the city to try to find people in need.
He eventually came across a old man who was getting mugged by three people in a alley. So Kevin ran into the alley to help the man. " Hey, you think its ok to just go around and steal things from people?" he questioned.
“Look guys, some loser’s trying to be a hero," one mugger teased.
“Cmon guys lets get him.”
Kevin shot a blast of fire and pushed all three of them back. Only one of them got back up; the other two were knocked out. The other mugger tried to run away, but Kevin took the mugger and threw him up against the wall.
“Who are you?” The scared mugger said frightened.
I’m Inferno”, Kevin stated and then knocked him out in one punch. All the muggers were down, and the man seemed to be okay.
“Are you ok, sir?” Kevin asked.
“Please don’t hurt me, just take my money” the man said, frightened.
“I’m not trying to-” but before he could finish he was gone.  I should probably go before the cops show up. he thought
At that moment two police cars showed. “ Hey, you! freeze! Don’t move!” Kevin bolted back farther into the alley  Don’t let him get away! screamed one of the officers. Kevin broke a window on an old abandoned building and jumped inside.
The police followed him into the building and were determined to catch him. Kevin ran up some stairs that he saw, hoping that he could lose them, but they were hot on his trail.
He eventually got up to the rooftop, but the cops were still after him. I’m running out of places to run, he thought to himself. Out of the corner of his eye he saw another building that he could jump to.
“This is probably the only way out of this,” he said to himself. Without thinking he started running to jump to the other side.
With one great leap forward, he jumped to the other building. He thought that he was gonna make it, but gravity started to take effect. He started to fall faster and faster.
Well it looks like this is it, he thought as his life flashed before him. Suddenly he stopped falling, and to his amazement, he was flying. There was fire coming out of his hands and it was acting like jet engines. He shot himself back up the building and took himself back into other parts of the city.
He ended up on another building and landed on it. “ I need a mask or something, that was too close with the cops.”
When Kevin got home, he thought of some ideas for a mask or outfit. He spent hours trying to think of a idea until he finally thought of one. It was a black mask with a skull on it and flames around it. He also had a black suit with red and orange boots and gloves. “I think I could get used to this outfit,” he said with joy.
The next day when Kevin was sitting at home, the news came on and interrupted his show. It was about the governor; he had been  kidnapped and the police found the car and were pursuing it. At that moment Kevin sprung into action and went out to find the car. He could hear the sirens from his house. He followed the sound of the sirens and eventually found the car. He flew down to the car and landed on it.
“Hey, I think someones on the roof,“ the kidnapper said.
Inferno shot the car door with fire and melted it off. One of the kidnappers tried to shoot Inferno, but he missed. Inferno grabbed the kidnapper and threw him out of the car. Inferno grabbed the governor and brought him to safety. After he knew he was okay he went back after the car.
He caught back up with the car and the kidnapper tried the shoot at him again. Inferno dodged the bullets and went above the car. “There has to be a way to stop him,” he thought, then he got a idea He went down to the tire and shot it with fire, It melted instantly. The kidnapper lost control of the car and he tumbled and rolled. The police caught up and arrested the kidnapper. They were going to arrest Inferno too, but he was gone before they got there.
Inferno finally got back home and sat down on the couch. No matter how hard I try, the police will always hate me even when I try to do good. There will always be villans that will attack the city and I have to be the hero that saves them, no matter how much police want me captured. With that said, Kevin looked back out the window and threw on his mask.

The author's comments:

I really like superheros, so I decided to make my own. My favorite superheros come from Marvel.

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