Dino Travel | Teen Ink

Dino Travel

May 19, 2015
By Anonymous

It’s 2015 and I am confused about where and what I am, I had a bad day at school about some things and I wanted to just get away, I sat there in fear and decided to try to sleep. Then things began to get weird over the next few hours, it felt. I didn't know what it was, but something was weird. All of a sudden I heard a weird sound and I woke my eyes. My surroundings had changed dramatically. I was in a cave looking out to a widespread jungle of trees and mountains, rather than my rural old farm room. I was amazed but confused, how did I get here? Everything felt so real, unlike any dream I have had before. It’s confusing but I’ll take it for a while. I get out of the cave and look around for people. But there doesn't seem to be anyone. It’s not a dream, it seems to be a reality. All of a sudden I hear a screech from above, a pterodactyl!
  I finally realized what happened, I wasn’t in Alabama anymore. I was in the dinosaur era. Deciding on if I should stay or not, I left to wander around to see if I could piece anything together about why I was here. I hadn’t really seen much, just endless lands of green and brown. I had realized how lucky I had felt. I then found another boy, he was about my age but he seemed to enjoy the situation we were in. We talked for a bit but he seemed excited as he was an avid archeologist dreamer. I kinda shrugged him off but asked if he wanted to join me just so I had company with me so I could feel better. He agreed and we carried on. I walked along and he was just looking at different objects when we heard a slight tremble from ahead of us. We looked and realized we had to carry on. The sun was beginning to set and there was no other way out besides back, with no progress on getting home. I then found a rifle on the ground that I could use. I carried it and kept it handy. As we kept walking the sounds got louder and louder. I could tell the other kid was nervous, so I had him write his name and address incase of anything as he had a backpack with him.

Walter Smith, 135 Westchester Blvd., New York City, New York

It read, and I thanked him. Learning a bit about him, he seemed like a generally nice kid but I would most likely never see him again. As I was beginning to talk about myself, I noticed he was gone. Not a sound from anywhere and he disappeared. I didn't know what to say, what to think, or what to do, as I had so many questions on where and what happened to him. I was confused as I just sat there. But I knew I had to move to stay alive so I did, alone again. I continued on where I heard some grumbling and scuffling, I didn’t know if it was Walter or the beasts. But I was all eyes and ears. I then saw a large fire coming from the mountain I was at, the volcano was erupting and everything was coming this way. The nightmare had only begun as I know the beasts would be certain to head this way. I kept running until I ran into a large tree like object. I looked up and got drooled on. T-Rex. He roared in anguish as he took a swing at me with his tail. I ran and ran and shot the dino, it only made him more angry. I then found a hole where he was certain to not find me. I then thought about how lucky I was and how much I wanted to go home and then I was actually there. I had escaped and noticed I had accidentally left the channel on a dinosaur TV show that I had been watching on a TV I had been experimenting on. Accidental time travel. Just glad to be alive and home.
I had sent the boy a letter a few months ago, and I had finally gotten a letter back, it was from his parents talking about their son disappearing and if that I had any help to please do so. I didn't know what to do, what to say,  as I knew what had happened, I just had to ignore the letter.

The author's comments:

It just seemed like an interesting idea

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