A Dragon From Above | Teen Ink

A Dragon From Above

April 23, 2015
By AshtonLonng BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
AshtonLonng BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Three children were sitting on a log starring off into the sky. One of the children already told them, in this area dragons fly around spreading their wings for a little exercise. But the other two children did not believe him. The boy who told them waited until a dragon flew by, so he could prove that they were real. It took a few minutes until a distant roar came in the background. The ground began to shake. The two boys that did not believe the story stared at each other in fear. Then a big blue dragon flew over them. “See I told you. And you thought dragons didn’t exist.” The boy, who told them, grabbed the sword from behind him and ran to the forest that held all the sleeping dragons. He turned back looking at his scared friends looking above at the blue dragon. “What are you waiting for, let’s go and take a look” The two boys on the log scurried behind the boy with the sword and disappeared into the forest.

The author's comments:

This is one of my favorite pieces. What inspired me to write it was a daily prompt that I get everyday from my Creative Writing teacher. And what I am trying to get readers from it is that making something that is about a boy and a dragon into a cute little story that others would like to read about.

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