"Oak Axed for It" | Teen Ink

"Oak Axed for It"

May 29, 2015
By aliahakimi BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
aliahakimi BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dragon held his head up high and paced back and forth in front of the castle.  Princess Peacock was sitting in her castle tower waiting for her beloved prince to come.  She was gracefully sitting on the window sill looking out into the distant sunset.  Soon, her guardian dragon, flew up to her window to see what she was thinking about.  
“I just want a prince, someone who can take me out of this tower,” the princess sighed.  “I know that Prince Swan loves me and is coming, but he is promised to someone else.  Do not tell anyone that he was promised to someone until he comes for me.”
“I won’t.  I am good at keeping secrets,” Dragon smirked with his immense sharp teeth. 
Without hesitation, the dragon flew away and knew he had to tell his forest friends about the princesses’ problems.  He saw Oak and ardently flew down to tell him the secret.  When he started to tell Oak, he immensely embellished the story to the point where he was chuckling to himself. 
“...and then Princess Peacock told me that Prince Swan is already married, but she still wants him to come for her.  I bet he doesn’t even love her back.” 
As he was lying and snickering, he spit a bit of fire right onto Oak’s strong bark.  Fire soon took over Oak’s body but he could not resist.  He then turned to Sequoia and told her the story with even more inaccuracy than Dragon.  He got too close when telling her and caught her on fire, as well.  The forest fire was spreading like a disease.  The same happened when Sequoia told Willow, but Oak and Sequoia burned to smokey, grey ashes before they were able to tell any more fellow trees.
Right before Willow burned down, she strained the rumor out of her and told Lion.  Lion clenched his paws in fury and could not believe that the trees and Dragon had spread the princess' secret.  Before he could even think, he roared louder than he had ever roared before.  The wind from Lion’s roar blew out Willow’s fire, and in that moment, Willow had learned a lesson.  She learned that the ramifications of spreading gossip and rumors can only hurt you.  She saw Sequoia and Oak’s ashes and realized that she had to do something.  She stopped spreading rumors from then on and Lion had informed the princess that her guardian had told her secret.  She then turned to Dragon and said that she would no longer like to be his friend.  Lion became the princess’ defender because she saw his honesty and she knew that he could be trusted. 
Thereafter, Princess Peacock and Prince Swan finally were together and got married right under Willow’s flowery branches. In actuality, Prince Swan and Lady Llama never liked each other and they made a compromise.  They both told their parents that they wanted to marry other people.  Lady Llama and Lion attended and were standing as proud as can be right next to the newly weds.  As for Dragon, he went off into an abandoned cave and was never seen again.  He had learned his lesson, but no one had ever trusted him with another secret again.  Dragon now knows he will-owe the princess in the future.  He also knows he has to leaf rumors alone and not tell anyone that treads along the forest path.

The author's comments:

I would like to tell everyone that I feel strongly about rumors and how they should not be spread.

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