A World of Signs | Teen Ink

A World of Signs

January 15, 2016
By Eheidinger BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Eheidinger BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All Geminis have a twin , just like all Pisces can breathe underwater and all Leo's can withstand any temperature. I am the exception. I am a Gemini with no twin. My parents told me that it was because I was born right before the gemini cut off, so my twin never existed. I don't understand it. Nobody does. You see, Planet Zoic is a place where people are sorted and named by their zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces.  I left out Aquarius because only two Aquarius' have ever been born in the history of our world. Aqueston is the most recent; he is our king, and the most powerful person among us. His wife, my aunt Area, has always been interested in me and why I do not have a twin. When I was young she tried to kidnap me, and do who knows what with me. Luckily for me, she failed. The only good thing about her attempt to kidnap me is that my powers surfaced. I was five, and, by that age, every citizen of Zoic has their powers, but for some reason mine took a while.
I Live in a glass palace with my father Cade who is a cancer, my brother Thomas who is a Taurus (but acts like a Leo) and my mother Scarlet who is as manipulative as her sign suggests. She's a Scorpio, and almost all scorpios are like her. Jealous and obsessive. My Uncle Aqueston, my aunt Area, and my cousin Leaf also live in the glass palace. They have another son Peter, but Aqueston sent him away to fight in the ongoing war against Eriliea. I've never met Peter. Even Leaf, his brother, has never met him. There are only four people who ever laid eyes on Peter. Most people don't even think he exists, so the announcement that Peter was coming home from the war made everyone nervous. It didn't help to calm anyone's nerves when we found out that only king Aqueston, Queen Area, and my mother would be able to see him.
"Grace, back to earth, time for our training!" Said Vera, waking me from my thoughts. Vera is my partner in the royal guard and my closest friend. We have known each other for forever.
"Oh sorry I was just thinking about Peter coming today, let's go," I said, beginning to walk in the direction of the training arena.
"I know the feeling," Vera said. "Lional wants me to increase security by Peter’s room, and I have gotten one extra guard, but nobody else seems to want to guard by his room." Lional is the captain of the royal guard, and a powerful libra.
"I'll guard by his room," I replied quickly.  If anybody deserved to see my cousin, it was me.
"Really?! That would be great. So you and Leaf will be the extra guards. Thank you, I would do it myself, but Lional wants me to train the new guards this month," Vera said.
"Wait, Leaf is the other guard?" I asked. Leaf was the most stubborn, melodramatic Leo I have ever met, and I really didn't like him all that much.  He was always trying to light things on fire with his magic, and get everyone to focus on him. A typical Leo.
"Ya, I guess he's curious about the brother he's never met." Vera replied as we entered the arena.
"I guess," I said, annoyed that Leaf thought to do the same thing I did. "I'll see you after training, have fun tearing up the ground." Vera was the only Virgo who was able to create tornadoes and earthquakes, making her very useful in battle.
After my magic training, I went to shower and change into my armor, then report to my guard duties. On my way out of my rooms, I ran into King Aqueston.
"Good afternoon Uncle," I said in greeting.
"Hello Grace," He responded, "You have a smudge of ink or something on your chin." He pointed to a spot on his own chin showing me where it was.
"Thank you, Uncle," I said, wiping at my chin, thinking it odd that I should have ink on me, seeing as I just showered. "Is it gone?"
"No, you might want to use some water," he responded. He seemed weary of the spot for some reason. His voice had a touch of concern, no that wasn't right, more like he was scared.
"Yes, that's probably a good idea,"I told him. "Are you excited to see Peter after all the time he has been away?"
"I am, he has been away too long," he said, but not very enthusiastically for a father whose son is coming home after being gone for almost 10 years.
"I was happy to hear he would be coming home, could I see him? I mean he is my cousin after all," I asked, but already knew the answer before I asked. I just wanted to see how he responded.
"No, I'm sorry dear, but you can't see him. Just your mother, Aunt, and I are allowed to see him for the time being," he replied quite sternly.
"Oh well, I do hope to meet him one day," I said, trying not to sound as if I was up to something. "I had better get this ink off my face, and then go report to work." I turned around and practically ran to my rooms. I looked in the mirror, and I didn't see an ink smudge, but a small letter G, sitting in the right corner of my chin. I knew what it was, but I didn't understand why it was there. You see, every Gemini has a special mark somewhere on their body that their twin also has in the same spot. Only those two can see the mark for what it is, everyone else only sees it as a smudge or a blur. The mark only appears, though, when the twins are near each other, and as they get closer the mark becomes more detailed. So that meant that my twin was somewhere near, but that would be impossible. I don't have a twin. The gears in my head were spinning, trying to figure out what it meant. Then I had an idea. I grabbed a small hand mirror off my dresser and walked out of my rooms, watching my mark as I went. Soon I found myself in the royal hallway. The royal hallway was where Aqueston, Area, and Leaf's rooms were located. While standing in this hallway, my mark turned from a plain G to a g and an R, with swirls around the letters. I assumed it was because twins names are always start with the same letters. I kept walking forward, and reached the end of the hall to a room I had never seen before. I knocked on the door and a boy opened it. At this point my heart was pounding out of my chest with excitement and confusion. I mean could I actually have a twin? How could my parents keep something like this from me? I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I knocked on the door and a boy opened it. He was about my age, and looked familiar.
"Hi, who are you?" I spoke so fast I didn't even realize how rude I must have seemed.
"I'm Peter, who are you?” He asked opening the door all the way and stepping out into the hall. He had a concerned look on his face, which confused me.“ Why are you here? Are you okay?" He was talking, but I was too focused on the small letters G and R sitting in the right corner of his chin to hear him.
"Peter, darling, who is at the door?" A voice from inside the room inquired.
"A girl, she won't tell me her name though," Peter said turning to speak to whoever was in the room.
"Grace," I said suddenly, "My name is Grace." At that moment, a woman appeared at the door, and it wasn't just any woman. It was my mother.
"Grace, what on earth are you doing here? You must leave at once, and I never want to see you here again!" She shouted at me. I ran. I ran all the way to my room where I flopped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. That woman frustrated me so much.
All the sudden I heard a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I asked, not feeling like getting up to answer it.
"Peter, I wanted to see if you are all right," said the voice behind the door.
"The doors unlocked, come in," I said standing up. The door opened and Peter walked in and sat on my bed. "Make yourself at home," I muttered to myself.
"I just wanted to see if you were okay after Scarlett yelled at you. How do you know her?" Peter asked. Ugh, I just wanted to scream all over again. This day was turning out to be just plain awful.
"That, Peter, was my mother. So I hope you don't mind me asking what she was doing in your room?"
"Your mother? You must be mistaken." He said. Mistaken? Wow this guy is supposed to be my twin?
"What are you talking about? You actually think I wouldn't know my own mother? I asked. I probably was being too harsh but he was really frustrating me.
"Well she is my mother, and I'm pretty sure I don't have any siblings. Mother would have told me that," Peter said. I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"We are twins. You aren't a Pisces. You are a Gemini, and my missing twin," I bursted out. Peter stepped back a bit. He seemed shocked. Well I was to at first, so I guess I could cut him some slack.
"T-twins? I'm sorry, but have you lost your mind?" He said stuttering. Oh. My. God. I truly think this guy will be the death of me. I grabbed him by the arm and stood him in front of the mirror, and showed him the mark on his chin.
"See that mark? That's a twin marking. I have the same one on my chin." I said pointing to my mark. "Didn't you wonder what it was?"
"Why? Why would she do this?" He asked. This was the reaction I got? Wow.
"If you are referring to our mother, that would be because she is a manipulative human, with no respect for others, and believes the world revolves around her," I said. "That may sound harsh, seeming as she loves you, but it's the truth. Ask anyone. Now if you are done coping with this, I am going to go ask that evil woman what the heck we did to deserve this."
"Wait," Peter said, practically shouting at me. "She won't tell us anything, why don't we go to Cade or Aqueston?"
"Alright, let's go find Aqueston," I walked out the door, hoping Aqueston would give us the answers we needed.



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