Ending the World | Teen Ink

Ending the World

April 12, 2016
By firstisthy BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
firstisthy BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Michelangelo woke up to aching bones, a blistered body, and cut feet. Everyday he has to clean the rich’s septic tanks. The job is so disgusting that he vomits every five minutes. Michelangelo considers his life as miserable as possible, but the stupid rich, and government officials consider the poor as a major key to the world. Also, the government thinks that the poor are stupid enough that they think they tricked them into cleaning the septic tanks of the rich.

Even though his life is difficult, it still has value. Michelangelo knows that he has a mission to complete. He walked back to his lean too that was wreaking with mold, sweat, and bugs. Sometimes, spiders decide to nest in the corners. At the lean too, he laid down and gazed at the picture of his mom and started to sob. The second after Michelangelo turned 5, his mom and dad were surrounded by robots and government officials that fly around in jetpacks. They handcuffed his parents while Michelangelo was crying and weeping. He tried to help his parents but the robots had handcuffed him too. Then, they took both of them to the government building and made Michelangelo watch his parents die a gruesome death. First, they cut off their legs very, very slowly and then they let bugs and spiders devour the flesh. Afterward, they fed his parents to the spiders where they went inside their bodies and ate from the inside to the outside. After the event, they let him go.

After remembering the horrific moment, Michelangelo got up took a walk. He knew that his life wasn’t meant to be living in crappy tents and almost starving to death and Michelangelo knew that he had a mission to complete. Before his parents had died, they started to scream in greek about the mission Michelangelo had to complete. They said that embedded into a small stone, there was a message that would then lead to him to other messages that would help him complete the mission.

Michelangelo decided to calm himself down and started to think whether he was emotionally prepared to read the message. I can do this. I must. If I don’t, I’m going to live the rest of my life in misery he thought. He finally made the decision and started to walk to the stone pile. Once he arrived at the stone pile, Michelangelo slowly picked the stone up with trembling hands.

It read, “????n?????? ???? ???? ????????” (We were born together but we separated)

Once he read that, confusion hit him like a brick falling on his head. Michelangelo had a ton of questions. One of them was who was this other person?  Why were they separated at birth? He took the stone and went back to his lean too. He laid down and thought about the clue. Then, he flipped the stone to the back and it read, “The next clue is far away so go and start today. But when you reach it, you will be in danger, so if you stay you will experience a lot of anger.” That again left him with a ton of questions. Michelangelo decided that it was already a tiring day so he went to bed eating spiders. Eating spiders is a very dangerous. For example, they can kill you with poison, or lay their eggs so they grow inside your body. Michelangelo made sure that the poison sack was out. Although he felt something moving, Michelangelo was to tired to be concerned about it.

    Michelangelo started packing his sack. The trip he was about to embark on was probably the only exciting thing that he would experience in his life.
Before falling asleep, Michelangelo had just come up with the solution to the riddle. He had to go to the government land. When Michelangelo found this out, He was leaping with joy and couldn’t go to sleep.
  After he packed his sack, Michelangelo started the trip to the government land. Once he reached the signs that warned him from entering the government land, he turned off the path into the nearby woods. There, Michelangelo quietly approached the wall. His face was drenched in sweat and he felt like his cover was blown by the sound of his beating heart. He took out a stone and threw it and it landed on the other side. That was the exact target Michelangelo wanted the stone to hit. When the guards heard the noise, they immediately sent the robots to check the scene. Once the robots were gone, it was a matter of seconds that Michelangelo could escape out of the poor side and enter the government land.

As Michelangelo started to climb as fast as he could, a robot
yelled,“HEY!! STOP!!”

When Michelangelo heard this, it encouraged him to climb faster.

“If you don’t stop we will shoot you!!” yelled the robots

They started to hold up their guns and shoot them at Michelangelo. The bullets missed him by a couple of millimeters but the rocks they hit, fell and hit  him in the legs and arms resulting in the worst pain Michelangelo ever felt. One stone almost made him slip from the wall. After climbing what seemed to be hours, he made it over the wall.
He was so happy to be over the wall but scared at the same time. The next mission was to find the next clue. He took out the stone that he had in his pocket and read the back of it again. Then the light bulb went on. He had to go to the center of the government land because if he stays there for long, he will become angry because that is the day the government will release the disease. Disease anger the public a lot of times. The government does this on purpose just to make the people immune to them. Michelangelo decided that he had to start today so that in a couple of days, he could be on the next clue.

Michelangelo started another dangerous trip to the center of the government land.  But this time, he had a good plan. First, he would go to the center of the government land by using the forest as his disguise. Then, he would find the clue from there and quickly go back to the woods. Afterward, he will solve the clue and camp out. During the night, Michelangelo will study where the security guards are every minute. Then, he will go one night into the building and kill the dictator.
Finally, Michelangelo reached the center. He carefully kneeled down and tried to find the clue. He looked and looked for an hour. Soon he started to worry that there was no clue there and that the mission was a complete fail. After four hours of intense stress and searching for the clue, Michelangelo finally found the note. He was so happy that he almost screamed and ran to the note. Then, Michelangelo made a plan to take it. He knew that he can’t take it at night because that is when the land is heavily guarded, so he decided to snatch it and leave as quickly as he can because soon enough the robots will come. Once Michelangelo grabbed the clue, he packed everything up and continued on into the woods.

The Skyscraper towered over him. It looked like it was a giant about to fall. Michelangelo was amazed at the sight of the building. This was the building that may turn his life around. Michelangelo arrived and was in the spot that he was about to spy on. The only thing that Michelangelo needed to watch was what time was the weakest moment the government building is in. Michelangelo has a very good mind for an average poor person that doesn’t go to school at all. When there are a few guards in the front, then that probably means that there are a few guards in the building he thought.

Michelangelo jumped and almost blew his cover. He looked all over the place to see where the noise was coming from. Then, he felt the heavy, cold, rugged  feeling of handcuffs wrap around his wrists. Michelangelo immediately turned around and saw the last thing he ever wanted to see, the robots. 
    The heavy steel door opened up with a loud creaking noise that made Michelangelo cringe in pain. As he entered, he saw his arch enemy, the dictator. This was the person who murdered and killed his parents.

      “Heeeeeeelllllllooooooooooooo my little weakling.” the dictator said with a sly smile.
“You thought that you could beat me. The most powerful ruler in the world. Actually, I am the only ruler in the world.” The dictator said to Michelangelo.
“You keep on saying that because I will kill you!!” yelled Michelangelo.
Then the dictator and the security guards laughed for a good ten minutes. But at the ninth minute, they heard, “Hey dad.”
    Everyone stopped dead because they couldn’t do anything. Leonardo clipped plasma handcuffs around everyone. Even his on dad.
    “LEONARDO!!!!TAKE THE HANDCUFFS OFF AT ONCE!!!” the dictator screamed.
“Nah. I prefer not to,” Leonardo replied with a smile that stretched miles.
Michelangelo raced into the arms of his long lost brothers. They hugged for seconds but to them, it seemed like hours. After greeting and hugging each other, they made a plan to kill the guards and dictator. First, they went up to the guards and stabbed them. The guards fell like stones falling to the ground. When the dictator saw the horrible act he immediately started to run but fell shortly after to a step that was as small as a brick. To his embarrassing fall, Michelangelo and Leonardo had a good long laugh. Afterward, the picked the dictator up and plasma cuffed his legs so he won’t run away again.

“After murdering our parents and making Michelangelo live a miserable life, we will give you fifty shavings on each of your fingers every day if you don’t resist to answer this one simple question,” Leonardo said.
“And that is?” the dictator replied with hesitation.
“Show us where the disease warehouse is.”
“Now or never.”

Finally, the twins could go to the warehouse and destroy all the disease, kill all the robots and then live the happiest life they ever had.
    “Come with us and show us the warehouse dictator.” the twins said forcefully
The dictator cooperated and lead Michelangelo and Leonardo to the warehouse. When they arrived they coughed for minutes because of the dust the heavy doors picked up.
“Here it is.” the dictator said. “The project I worked on my whole entire life and now it has to be ruined.” the dictator said between voice cracks.
    “Thanks for falling to our stupid trick.” the twins replied.
     “ WHAT!?”
     “Now don’t resist or else we will make it harder for you to die quickly.”

It was all quiet. Leonardo and Michelangelo looked at each other as the warm blood of the dictator slow dripped onto Leonardo’s hand. After a few minutes, he started to cry. He was sobbing. Michelangelo quickly tried to calm his brother down.
    “I can’t believe I killed my own step-father!!” Leonardo said in between sobs.

With the overwhelming sadness of the death of his father, Leonardo raised the bloody knife and inserted it right into his heart with an ear piercing scream.
“STOP!! DON’T DO THAT!!!” Screamed Michelangelo with pain and sorrow.

Leonardo laid there still as a log. Michelangelo couldn’t believe that his own brother had created a very strong bond with the dictator, their worst enemy, that he killed himself. Knowing that pouting and crying of his brother’s death wasn’t going to get him anywhere with the mission so he continued on. Now since Michelangelo knew where the warehouse was, he immediately went there and began to eliminate all the bad diseases. One by one, he carefully put everything in the disease eliminator so that they go extinct forever. While he was doing that, a robot sneaked up on him.

That was the sound of death. The robot threw all the diseases on the floor. The fumes raced up into Michelangelo’s nose. But, inside of his body, spiders started to expand and mutate. They ripped Michelangelo’s organs and skin. Michelangelo screamed in pain. As the spiders ripped his body open, they started to eat him just like they did to the rest of the world.

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