Time Troubles | Teen Ink

Time Troubles

May 5, 2016
By Anonymous

     The amount of time people spend doing this job is amazing. I can’t even stand doing this in the first month and there’s people out here doing it for years. It gives me a headache going through the machine everyday and coming back every night just to stop one person from doing one thing wrong in time. I like the concept of travelling through time to help people, but I don’t see the point in stopping a single person from simply stealing one thing from the store when they weren’t supposed to that day. But, I guess i did sign up for this so they expect me to try my hardest so I will.
     Today there isn’t really much action for all of us. There has only been four occurrences today when there is usually around ten to fifteen a day. This has not happened very much in the past twenty years so we all felt that we should stay overnight and look a bit harder for changes in time. We all decided to take shifts of 2 people every hour to let the others get some sleep so we would all be ready to stop someone at maximum capability without the effect of being tired. Me and my partner, Jim, decided to take the first shift since we were the least tired in the group.
     After about fifteen minutes a sensor started to pick up a large amount of people in a place where there was never supposed to be people in the next five years. The date was said to been April first, 2005 in a place that we didn’t even recognize. I decided to take a solo mission and let Jim watch over me. We usually send three or four people out on the job but we only have 6 people tonight and everyone was sleeping so i went solo. I hopped in the machine and it took longer than expected to teleport me back to 2005 to our current time 2498.
When I arrived i came to a beautiful pasture with horses and a bunch of apple trees. I would love to go and mess around with the horses or eat some apples since they are rare to find in my time but we are not allowed to do anything that can change something in time. To not be seen i turned on my cloaking device, which makes me invisible, and headed towards the location of the last seen location of the change. It was this weird looking barn like structure with 4 massive silos on each side. I personally havn’t been around this time yet and it seems like a place that the start of the fall must have begun.
     When i walked up to, what i thought, was the front door i peeked around the corner to find just an average looking barn from around that time with nothing great about it. This is weird, this has never happened before. There is always something happening when the sensors go off and we always find it at the scene. There must be something wrong.
     A time ripple popped up with a message from Jim. It read, “Get out of there now! Someone made the sensor go off on purpose!” By this time i knew i had to run because there is no chance of me surviving this if there is a time pirate coming for me. I dashed towards the time machine’s location. Upon arriving i noticed that it had been moved about five feet from its original location, but I decided to skip inspection and just hop in and go. Once i got it up and going I started to go back through the future and within the flashes of time I saw the pirates behind me in the near future in their own machine and I knew this had to be within the next few minutes since it is me this day with everything exactly how it is right now!
     I spotted their machine and just like that i was back in the lab with the pirates landing right in front of me and Jim. They started towards Jim and the computers and they quickly pushed him out of the way. When they reached the computers I decided to take a fire extinguisher and hit one of them in the back of the head. This was a big mistake. The three others quickly charged to me and grabbed me and started to punch and kick. At the sound of all the fighting my coworkers woke up and came over for the rescue. They took three people for every pirate and quickly shoved them back into their time machine. We hit one of the outside buttons and they were quickly sent back to 2005 and the situation was solved. My team asked me and Jim if we were alright and we said we were fine. I said, “ Time for the next shift!” and everyone started laughing. This has been the most challenging day so far in this job but I think I will stay here for a long time, I love this team.

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